Tl;dr: download the Good Life guide, a 4-page PDF drawing life lessons from Robert Greene’s Mastery. This is my 4th Good Life guide. Here are the other 3: Rick Warren’s Purpose-Driven Life [link] Ben Franklin’s 13 Virtues [link] Greg Epstein’s Good Without God [link] I chose Greene’s Mastery because I feel like a “jack of … Continue reading The Good Life: Lessons from Robert Greene’s Mastery
I collect great quotes wherever I find them: books, movies, friends, Twitter. Here are some favorites. I try to memorize them, it’s one of my habits. ** The atheist is a religious person. He believes in atheism as though it were a new religion. According to Renan, “The day after that on which the world … Continue reading Favorite Quotes
My goal is to finish one book a month, and write summaries when time allows. My habit is to rotate between several books at a time; I like the ability to switch between titles depending on my mood and interests, like flipping TV channels or alternating Netflix shows. So all the books below are ones … Continue reading Books I’ve read