Dieter Ram’s 10 principles for good design

Lately I have been trying to share interesting lists / frameworks that are like training wheels for fast learning. Here is a Ray Dalio example. I refer to these lists often in my anki practice.

Dieter’s 10 design principles are taken from a speech he gave in New York in 1976. You can tell he reduced and reduced his decades of learning until what remained were truly the concentrated principles of an incredible career designing for iconic brands (like Braun, which later influenced Apple and in particular, Jony Ive) and contributing to famous movements (like Bauhaus and the Ulm School).

Dieter Ram – 10 principles for good design

1. Good design is innovative

2. Good design makes a product useful

3. Good design is aesthetic

4. Good design makes a product understandable

5. Good design is unobtrusive

6. Good design is honest

7. Good design is long-lasting

8. Good design is thorough down to the last detail

9. Good design is environmentally friendly

10. Good design is as little design as possible

You could go through and replace every [Good design] with a [Good work] or a [Good thinking] and the principles remain powerful. I love the repetitive structure too.

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