Don’t watch the ball, watch the seams

Thanks to tennis, we’re told to watch the ball.

My coach used to say, “follow the ball from their racquet to yours,” pointing out that “Sampras, Agassi…they’re always looking at the ball, even after it makes contact.”

We’re supposed to focus on that green dot like a cat on a laser pointer.

On a recent drive to LA, I was listening to The Inner Game of Tennis. Think Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, but replace “Zen” with “Inner Game”, and “Art of Motorcycle Maintenance” with “Tennis.”

Really, both could be called “Life wisdom revealed in the pursuit of a hobby”.

In The Inner Game, author W. Timothy Galloway makes a point that I paraphrase thusly:

“Don’t watch the ball…watch the seams.


It’s the Inception of life advice.

On Level 1 (the reality level), Galloway is instructing us to watch the ball so closely that we see its seams.

On Level 2 (the rainy-city/van-chase level), Galloway is really telling us to pay attention to detail. If you’re truly watching the ball, you’ll notice it’s not just a fuzzy green object. It has a logo. It turns a disheveled, patchy yellow with use. And it has seams.

On Level 3 (the hotel level) – and that’s as far as this extended metaphor goes – it’s all about pushing our limits. Don’t watch the ball, watch the seams. Don’t make a 3, hit a swish. Don’t aim for a million dollars, go for a billion. Now THAT’S cool.

It brings to mind a Bruce Lee quote, one of my favorites.

There are no limits. There are plateaus, but you must not stay there, you must go beyond them. If it kills you, it kills you. A man must constantly exceed his level.

Are you watching the seams in your life?

Did they kill him, too?

A favorite podcast moment, from a favorite podcast.

Listen to it here (Episode 88, Kid Logic, Act One).

Kids are amazing. Substitute teaching is another goal on my miles-long list of life goals.

Story transcript below. Thanks to This American Life.

It all began at Christmas two years ago, when my daughter was four-years-old. And it was the first time that she’d ever asked about what did this holiday mean? And so I explained to her that this was celebrating the birth of Jesus. And she wanted to know more about that. We went out and bought a kids’ bible and had these readings at night. She loved him. Wanted to know everything about Jesus.

So we read a lot about his birth and his teaching. And she would ask constantly what that phrase was. And I would explain to her that it was, “Do onto others as you would have them do unto you.” And we would talk about those old words and what that all meant.

And then one day we were driving past a big church and out front was an enormous crucifix.

She said, who’s that?

And I guess I’d never really told that part of the story. So I had to sort of, yeah, oh, that’s Jesus. I forgot to tell you the ending. Well, you know, he ran afoul of the Roman government. This message that he had was so radical and unnerving to the prevailing authorities of the time that they had to kill him. They came to the conclusion that he would have to die. That message was too troublesome.

It was about a month later, after that Christmas, we’d gone through the whole story of what Christmas meant. And it was mid-January, and her preschool celebrates the same holidays as the local schools. So Martin Luther King Day was off. I knocked off work that day and I decided we’d play and I’d take her out to lunch.

We were sitting in there, and right on the table where we happened to plop down, was the art section of the local newspaper. And there, big as life, was a huge drawing by a ten-year-old kid from the local schools of Martin Luther King.

She said, who’s that?

I said, well, as it happens that’s Martin Luther King. And he’s why you’re not in school today. So we’re celebrating his birthday, this is the day we celebrate his life.

She said, so who was he?

I said, he was a preacher.

And she looks up at me and goes, for Jesus?

And I said, yeah, actually he was. But there was another thing that he was really famous for. Which is that he had a message.

And you’re trying to say this to a four-year-old. This is the first time they ever hear anything. So you’re just very careful about how you phrase everything.

So I said, well, yeah, he was a preacher and he had a message.

She said, what was his message?

I said, well, he said that you should treat everybody the same no matter what they look like.

She thought about that for a minute. And she said, well that’s what Jesus said.

And I said, yeah, I guess it is. You know, I never thought of it that way, but yeah. And it is sort of like “Do onto others as you would have them do unto you.”

And she thought for a minute and looked up at me and said, did they kill him, too?