Kevin Kelly, the next 5000 days of the web
- the internet is only 5000 days old, what will the next 5000 days look like?
- “it’s amazing, and we’re not amazed”
- we’re basically creating one giant machine, and it’s the strongest/most reliable machine we’ve ever built
- all our machines are portals into the one machine (every smartphone, every laptop, every IoT)
- 3 changes: embodiment, re-structuring, co-dependence
- copies have no value
- attention is currency
- humans are the machine’s extended senses
- we’re linking data; first the connections were machine to machine, then page to page, now data to data
- we shouldn’t need to port our friends to each social network, the web should just know
- “to share will be to gain”
- no bits will live outside the web — early version of software eating the world
Tom Chatfield: 7 ways video games engage the brain
- it’s amazing that people spend $8B on virtual goods
- Farmville has 70M players (talk is from 2010)
- games provide rewards, both individual and collective
- all about ambition + delight
- in video games you can measure everything — big data
- there’s always a “reward schedule”
- 7 ways to use game lessons in real world
- have experience bars to measure progress
- set multiple long and short-term aims
- they reward effort — get credit for every bit of work/effort
- provide rapid, frequent, clear feedback
- have element of uncertainty — variable rewards, dopamine
- offer windows of enhanced attention
- add other people! social, cooperation
Here’s a running list of TED talks and notes (it’s a long page so it could take a few seconds to load).