Health and fitness learnings for June: The more muscle you have, the lower your all cause mortality

First foremost — absolutely incredible essay on the bioelectric revolution in biology, thanks to my friendo Cedric for sharing it in his great newsletter:

Keep in mind a crucial point: in all these experiments, the genes of the worms are never edited. You get a wildly different functional worm with the same genes. And what’s even wilder is that some of these changes are enduring: without any further drugs or modifications, the two-headed worm produces offspring that are also two-headed, indefinitely. Think about what this means: we’ve achieved a permanent change in the structure of the worm, without changing its genes. We have transcended the genetic code and are instead learning to crack the bioelectric code of the body.

Now onto the health and fitness stuff I’ve learned this past month:

In summary walking stimulates, lymphatic system gets rid of toxins, optimizes our hormones and gets rid of bad bacteria, lowers SIBO by pushing it into the large intestines where it belongs, gravity.

Almonds are good for reducing wrinkles

The study analysed data from people aged 40 to 69 and found a causal link between habitual napping and larger total brain volume – a marker of good brain health linked to a lower risk of dementia and other diseases.

More muscle you have, lower your all cause mortality
Resistance exercise is closest thing to fountain of youth
Lift weights + Eat high quality protein

Late night food can disrupt sleep because it takes energy / muscles / systems to digest the food, which delays / disrupts sleep quality;
“Meal timing appears to be a modifiable risk factor for nocturnal awakenings and disrupted sleep.”

When we learn how to do something physical, whether it’s a karate kick or snapping our fingers, the cerebellum is hard at work. The cerebellum takes up just 10 percent of the brain’s volume, but it contains half of our neurons, which means it’s a densely packed area constantly buzzing with activity.

2/3 oz daily mushrooms = 45% less cancer risk

People with most saunas have lowest incidence of Alzheimer’s
Mercury detox — sauna is one of most effective ways to detox

Cold plunges — dramatically increases dopamine

Walk 15 miles a week, even if you do other exercise. There’s something special about walking that is distinct from running and other cardio. Humans are made to move slowly over long distances—it’s critical to longevity.

Stop drinking sodas and sugary energy drinks. After a few weeks you won’t miss them and a few months later they’ll seem disgusting. Sugar is enemy #1—it causes inflammation, which is the root of most disease.

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