Current favorite podcasts: ScriptNotes, Iced Coffee Hour, My First Million, Bitcoin Layer, and more

Below are some podcasts that I’m really enjoying at the moment…

Here’s a page with my older podcast recommendations

And here’s a running list of podcast notes I’ve taken. The most recent is an Ezra Klein interview of Leah Garces about factory farming and meat production

The Bitcoin Layer – a new-ish addition, I’m a regular reader of Nik’s newsletter, and the podcast offers a low-frills analysis of macro and specifically the US bond market, interest rates, and the Fed; he also tends to invite guests who are slightly less featured than the usual podcast-guest-circuit (eg, the Rogan-Friedman-Huberman axis, or the Ferriss-Rose-Vaynerchuk axis)

Scriptnotes – a long-time sub; swings back and forth between industry insider gossip and screenwriting 101; invites great guests (eg, recent episode with The Daniels)

Iced Coffee Hour – surprised by how much I enjoyed their chat with Tai Lopez, helped to humanize the guy behind his omnipresent Lambo and books; the show provides (me with) valuable insight into how a certain kind of Gen Z influencer / ambitious individual thinks

TWIML – been dipping more than a toe into the waters of AI and ML recently, and this podcast has frequent topical interviews that are the right mix of accessible and technical for me

My First Million – a guilty pleasure, but having been a steady subscriber since it’s early days, I now find that it relies a bit too much on Shaan and Sam’s personal stories (so after listening to eg, 10 episodes, it’ll start to feel like a family reunion where gregarious grandpa tells you about that one time he did X)

Bankless – comfort food for Ethereum fans, with occasional entrees of delicious deep dives, gotta appreciate Ryan + David’s chemistry

What Bitcoin Did – comfort food for Bitcoin fans; more philosophical as of late; always enjoy his Lyn Alden interviews; for me, it scratches a similar itch to Preston’s weekly Bitcoin interviews

Lex Fridman – in a class by itself; he’s the only interviewer who can bring world class guests (like this one w/ game designer Todd Howard) to spend 3 hours chatting about anything and everything; enhanced by Lex’s mix of patience and skeptical kindness

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