Podcast notes: Axie Infinity founder Jiho shares his story on Bankless podcast

Bankless Layer Zero podcast
Jiho from Axie Infinity

Grew up in NY
Gamer and collector
Dad was painter, gallery, fossil collector, and an attorney
Korean mom, tiger mom
Jiho is his Korean name

Starcraft was his first real game
Also WoW
DK Country, Zelda (played Ocarina 20+ times)
Pokemon on Gameboy – bot two Gameboys so he could trade with himself

Collectors instinct – “some things I just need”
Inherited from his father – collected 40 cases of butterflies

What’s his starter Pokemon? Charmander
likes lizards, salamanders

Trendsetter for games his school played
eg, Diablo – wanted to trade with others
Had Korean cousins who were always into the new Blizzard games

Didn’t know what he wanted to do for most of his life
Entrepreneurial pretty early – selling fossil sharks teeth at school, selling drawings and paintings to people who visited his house
People pleaser

He came from within Axie community – one of first hundreds in Discord
Fell in love with art and roadmap
Helped write whitepaper, did announcements, community building
Job is “sharing vision repeatedly”
What creates sustainable economic engine is people spending for fun + status

Some thought it was fork of CryptoKitties, and early CK players came to Axie
Problem with CK was hyper inflation of cat supply

Axie is balance of collaboration + competition
But also PvE component – Axie believers versus non-believers / critics
Beefs / enemies can be good, eg an early beef with CryptoKitties

DH: How do you prevent it becoming too grindy
Jiho: ownership helps, “things you’re grinding for”, social elements help

3rd version of battle system coming

“Is Axie fun?”
Being “rewarding” is more important – life isn’t always fun, but it should be rewarding

Metaverse = digital lives are becoming just as important, and merging with real world

A lot of initial team members are Vietnamese
Moved to Vietnam to help

In current game industry, a lot of money isn’t going to developers or players
Remove those middlemen, give to builders and players

Since AXS mooning, how has community changed?
Bear = missionaries
Bull = rest of world finds out
Cycle repeats

Classic growing pains eg,
Some schism between OGs and newcomers
Gamers in general are not very nice

Axie is example of the rise of opt-in nations
Choose who your leaders are
Decentralized contribution and building

Axie is largest Discord in world
Collab.land auto assigns role (eg, 3 Axies = can speak, 10 Axies = special channels, etc)
Moderators to guard dog and guide
Jiho is still #1 by total messages sent

Discord caps (max 800K members) may be holding back their game growth (instead of vice-versa!)
Need more innovation around social coordination tools
maybe Discord inherently unscalable

Will see a lot of consolidation in guilds, P2E games
Community + scaling + art + gameplay + economics = Each component is important, requires getting all of them right

Under appreciated reason for Axie’s success is “people love their Axies”
Bunch of his, he would never consider selling eg his first one #707
“Emotional utility” – NFTs don’t work if everyone’s doing it just for money

Mistake when shipped an update where your Axies stopped making facial expressions while battling = got feedback players missed this feature
When you don’t use your Axies for weeks, Axies should act like dogs / pets that actually miss their owners

Combo of aesthetics + utility + scarcity
Triple threat of NFTs
View at Medium.com

DS: end of day, it’s all about optimizing for love
Jiho: It’s hierarchy of needs; Ikigai

Eve founder quote – don’t chase fun, create rewarding experience

Software is creating equal access to communities, relationships, opportunities
If you’re born in bad place or environment, you’re not as limited anymore
No surprise that people in Philippines, Venezuela were early adopters
Direct access to those of different socioeconomic classes (eg, Axie players can easily connect to whales)

Future will be more free, more individual responsibility
“There will be a battle”
Felt like he was a revolutionary without a cause – but now there are many
Not going to be a peaceful era, full of schisms, but very interesting times
Web3 = generational opportunity, a cause worth fighting for

Final advice? Be willing to waste a lot of time online, wander, go down rabbit holes, absorb info

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