Podcast notes – Simone Weil on the need for roots – Philosophize This!

Follow-up to previous notes: https://kevinhabits.com/podcast-notes-philosopher-simone-weil-on-attention-human-dignity-and-factory-work/

Moral sage
Died at 34

If keep life at safe distance, prevents you from seeing world in truly clear way

Marx – if his predictions were wrong, it may be because he never truly lived a worker’s life

After working in factories, feeling affliction firsthand, ideas grow more radical

People hide behind the abstract
While many out there are truly suffering and starving

We’re also starving in “needs of the soul”

14 of these needs
1. Order – need some order to function, just like food
2. Liberty
3. etc
Many of these are in tension with each other – and need balance
Each contributes to peoples’ psychological needs

Biggest need that is sabotaged by modern society – “the need for roots”, like a plant

Any human being that is truly independent?
No, inseparable from society

People get roots from active participation in life of community

Colonialism destroys this culture and solidarity
In her time, France subjugated foreign cultures, tried to replace with French culture
This transplanting is like uprooting a plant, destroying the roots

Codified human rights won’t matter to a person like Hitler

Forced prostitution is wrong and we all agree on it – but it’s far deeper than legal rights

Preferred discussing human NEEDS rather than rights

Separating people from their own culture, roots is de-humanizing

Revolution was the new opiate of the masses – but very little comes out of it

After her factory experience, she discovered a new way to think about ethics

What makes someone sacred?
Is it their body? Their unique personality?

The way forward is a spiritual revolution
Cultivation of a new kind of attention
Renounce the ego
Receive the world in a more universal, impersonal way
De-creating biases, assumptions, that we bring to bear
This is a spiritual transformation
Connect to human beings on a universal shared level, instead of at level of personality or physicality

Similar to Catholic sacrament of Eucharist

This new form of attention is a new lens to see the world

Become an antenna for God to communicate with
An experience to feel closer connection to the universe

“Waiting for God” – her most famous book

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