My daily habits checklist

A checklist of habits that I try to follow daily

Inspired by Ben Franklin’s thirteen virtues, I created a habits checklist to complete each day. It lists my top daily habits. Tackling them gives the day some structure, like when to pop out of bed and when to go for a run. It helps establish priorities: writing is the most important, and the day always improves with a little meditation. This miniature system, of sorts, is my crutch for discipline and consistency without a regular job.

For now, I’ll publish my progress here every week. The habits overlap what’s described here, with the exception of two items: reading a book, and memorizing quotes. Book reading is a monthly goal. I worry that turning it into a daily habit could reduce the joy it gives me. At the same time, I know the goal will be reached, and has been for several years. My feeling about memorization is similar (this has become much easier with the adoption of Anki software).

What are your habits? How do you track them? I’d love to hear from you, and to “habituate” together! (can I use the word this way?)

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