Health and Fitness learnings for November & December: “babies are 3d printed from food”

These are various health and fitness notes I accumulated in November and December.

Please do not treat them as concrete science or proven fact. I’m just as susceptible to misinformation and fake news and health bias as the next always-online nerd. Below is simply what interests me

Orange juice is a super food

Sauna = superior “supplement” to any stack
Reduces risk of: All-cause mortality; CVD; Stroke; Hypertension; Microplastic/heavy metal toxicity
Protocol: 25 min – 4x/week @ 170°F

Power of a little daily bouncing!:

Cheese before drinking can help reduce hangovers:

Only reheat rice once ever, and refrigerate quickly after cooking + cooling (otherwise run risk of a dangerous bacteria):

It’s frankly astonishing. One of the big breakthrough realizations for me was our similarity to plants. It would seem the positive charge of the air vs the negative charge of the earth is indeed exceptionally important for plants, and also important for humans as well. Grounding / earthing starts to make a lot more sense, as does our need for sunlight to remain healthy. Surface life appears to effectively be a capacitor charged by differences in charge potential and sunlight.

For those taking higher doses of vinegar, depressive symptoms dropped by an average of 42 percent, compared to just 18 percent in the control group who took smaller amounts in pill form.

Calley Means notes:
If walking were a pill it would be most powerful one
target is 7k steps / day — 70% reduction in all cause mortality
“muscle contraction is medicine”
It’s more about all day movement then short periods of exercise
10m walk after meal is most high impact habit
Soleus pushups = body activation, signaling to body that you’re moving and staying active
“babies are 3d printed from food” (!)

Girl finds a paper from the 90s that suggests lactose intolerance is a skill issue (not enough enzymes to digest it). Spams skimmed milk for two weeks and her lactose intolerance symptoms completely resolved.

Our findings suggest that wearing an eye mask during overnight sleep can improve episodic encoding and alertness the next day

Health and fitness learnings for January: “tea consumption is associated with attenuation of biological aging”



Downsides of ashwagandha including acting like an SSRI:

PeterAttiaMD: …his physical training program gives him a great VO2 max, his topical treatments give him much-better-than-his-genetics hair and skin, and his NAD+ precursor supplementation improves his rate of DNA repair.

Since at least the time of peripatetic Greek philosophers, many other writers have discovered a deep, intuitive connection between walking, thinking, and writing. (In fact, Adam Gopnik wrote about walking in The New Yorker just two weeks ago.) “How vain it is to sit down to write when you have not stood up to live!” Henry David Thoreau penned in his journal. “Methinks that the moment my legs begin to move, my thoughts begin to flow.” Thomas DeQuincey has calculated that William Wordsworth—whose poetry is filled with tramps up mountains, through forests, and along public roads—walked as many as a hundred and eighty thousand miles in his lifetime, which comes to an average of six and a half miles a day starting from age five

New study found that tea consumption is associated with attenuation of biological aging.
People who consistently drank >4 cups a day aged 40% slower than those who drank none.

Some studies suggest that people who cook more often, rather than get take-out, have an overall healthier diet. These studies also show that restaurant meals typically contain higher amounts of sodium, saturated fat, total fat, and overall calories than home-cooked meals

Anterior Mid-Cingulate Cortex (aMCC): When you do something you don’t want to do, this brain area gets bigger
aMCC is smaller in obese people, it gets bigger when they diet
aMCC is potentially the “seat” of willpower and will to live

Walnuts are great for the liver — helping with fatty liver diseases due to antioxidants and fatty acid content (omega-3 and omega-6)

Gut Microbiome/Immune Health: consume 2-4 servings low sugar-fermented foods per day such as yogurt, refrigerated sauerkraut, and pickles, kombucha with low sugar

This replicated the encoding benefit and showed that it was predicted by time spent in slow-wave sleep. Our findings suggest that wearing an eye mask during overnight sleep can improve episodic encoding and alertness the next day

Going to the gym when you don’t feel like it gives you the greatest high

Cancer hates mushrooms — 2/3 an ounce a day = 45% lower risk of cancer

“Mushrooms are like the swiss army knife for treating diseases.”

I’ll always remember what Synthesis founder Chrisman Frank told me: “Still haven’t met anyone who has quit drinking and regretted it.”