Podcast notes – Rebel Wisdom – The State of Sensemaking

Sensemaking = understanding as a process of what’s going on in the world
Cognitive flexibility + emotional reality

Most peoples’ reality is narrowing until they can’t get out of it
Need to zoom out and zoom in appropriately

We’re in a post truth world with a huge amount of complexity

The Jordan Peterson (JP) phenomenon – why did it happen?
Produced “Glitch in the matrix” documentary

Redemptive power of truth
It burns off deadwood
How much of yourself is based on deception and lies?

Spirituality = removal of that which is false

Lot of shadows in progressive space
eg, yoga teachers becoming Qanon supporters
Shadow = aspects that are unexpressed, hidden, unconscious

Brexit + Trump = tribalism that wouldn’t acknowledge its tribalism

JP exposed this truth, the need for traditional values
“broke a conversational seal”
last gasp of the heroic individual
its necessary but not sufficient

Intersectional woke view can be weaponized – cancel culture

Consensus -> Antithesis -> Synthesis
Don’t get stuck in antithesis, the sense of certainty and lack of evolution

Tension between individual and collective
How to simultaneously be both
There’s a lot of Ayn Rand-ian fear of collectivism

Intellectual dark web was an organic alternative sensemaking mechanism

Media is still captured by narrow kind of progressivism
Becoming less and less relevant
Intellectuals are building independent brands eg Bari Weiss + Substack

Eric Weinstein – Consensus is usually achieved through combo of incentives + disincentives

JP: it’s a theological problem, we have to change who we are
Sam Harris – mainstream practices around presence, inner growth, meditation

Problem isn’t capitalism itself – good capitalism and free market are wonderful – it’s a type of exploitative behavior enabled by our modern economy

philosopher Ken Wilber – integral spirituality
the integral movement failed because people mistook the map for reality

tolerating complexity is a core skill today
hold multiple perspectives without obsessing over just one of them
meditation, reflection, these practices all help

John Vervaeke (JV) – colleague of JP’s
Meaning Crisis lecture series – crisis of meaning, there’s a void, we don’t know why we’re here, see it in identity politics, political tribes, replacing religion with politics
An emphasis on practice – Buddhism, tai chi, mindfulness
JV says “JP was a doorway but not a way”
JV says JP’s popularity comes from talking about same meaning crisis, role of myth + ritual + psychedelics
Differences: JP is Jungian, JV framework is cogsci
Be aware of cognitive traps and biases
4 types of knowledge – propositional, procedural (how to do something), participatory (immersion with world), perspectival (knowing what its like to be drunk)

If we want people to make sense of world well, can’t do it quickly, over simplified, in a distracted manner

Religious fervor around free speech especially online
Ivermectin is clearly a cult

In the future, everything will be a religion for 15 minutes

Durkheim – society always has sacred and profane and it runs through everything
eg, Constitution is sacred and OnlyFans is profane
Happening especially online

So much of what we’re seeing can’t be explained solely rationally
Recognize we’re not just rational actors
We make decisions emotionally and then post-rationalize them

Storming the capital – Qanon shaman in the capital building – heralding return of the irrational
This sort of thing will keep happening
Fascism, communism, all these bad answers with proven failures are now coming back
Qanon is perfect American religion – lots of paranoia among Americans – death of JFK, RFK, MLK – hamstrung by conspiracy theories – in a world of religion, of angels and demons – incredibly powerful story, you’re manipulated and led towards specific answers

Reintroduction of psychedelics into mainstream, shift of mainstream acceptance
Potential to transform cognition, sense of meaning and connection
Anything that meets the market (capitalism, modern economy) gets twisted and often leads further from truth

Conversation today is too focused on censorship versus free speech binary
Should focus instead on what are our responsibilities

Lecture notes: The Meaning Crisis by cogsci prof John Vervaeke

University of Toronto professor Dr. John Vervaeke
Lecture series

-Sense of more bullshit everywhere
-People lost trust in authority
-Can see this evidence in public media, academia

We’re spending too much time in online environments, social media

Why are zombies and superheroes so big rn?
These myth forms are cultural expression of feeling “stuck”

Meaning crisis – interdependent with other crises like environmental crisis, political crisis

Wisdom = realizing meaning in life in a profound way
(“wizard” root = wise)

1. What is this meaning?
2. Why do we hunger for it?
3. How do we cultivate the wisdom to realize it?
4. Why do we seek to alter consciousness? Not just us, but animals do too!

Subset of mystical experiences are crucial – “awakening experiences” – “quantum change”

The same (mental) machinery that makes you intelligent also makes you foolish

We’re very belief centric – very focused on ideologies – but there’s many more kinds of knowing

Therapy is booming – because of meaning crisis, because loss of the many kinds of knowing

No simplistic answers, but will try best to offer rational, careful answers

Paleolithic revolution – 40K BCE
Radical changes
1. Start making cave paintings, music
2. Radical change in cognition – use of calendars, tracking time
3. Develop projectile weapons – throwing spears, slings

Why did it occur?
Near extinction event
To protect themselves, create broader trading networks
Widens scale for human cognition
Cognition is participatory

Rituals make this work
1. trade rituals – eg, handshakes
2. initiation rituals
3. shamanic rituals

Initiation rituals
As you interact more out-group, weakens in-group ties
So initiation / commitment rituals grow
Requires pain and fear = shows commitment
Must improve ability to regulate emotion

Exaptation = evolutionary mechanism
eg, using tongue for speech, but not evolved primarily for this purpose (primary = taste / poison detector)

Shamanic rituals
Take enhanced perspective on others – “mind sight”
Shamanism = altering consciousness to control mental and emotional states
Archetype – wise old man (Yoda, Merlin)
Shamans improve a group’s healthcare, coordination, wisdom
Shamanism thesis = explains rise in cognition
Not hardware but software change

You’re a natural born cyborg = evolved to integrate with machines = your clothes, shoes, pens, computers, desks, literally everything except your naked body

This can apply to not only physical but intangible / cognitive things too (psycho tech)
eg, literacy

Shamanism = sleep deprivation, long periods of singing + dancing, imitation / masks, social isolation
Altering consciousness
Disrupting how you find patterns in world
How you find patterns is profound

Shamanism teaches you HOW to disrupt patterns and gain new insight
Participatory knowing
Enhancing your cognition by manipulating the meaning of things