5 good podcasts I’m newly subscribed to

I listen to a lot of podcasts (here’s a somewhat up to date list), and I wanted to share a few good ones that I’ve recently subscribed to:

Exponential View with Azeem Azhar [link] – a very global and sharp perspective on the somewhat under-emphasized technological forces that will shape our collective future; his newsletter is great too

DangerTalk with Russell Wilson [link] – one of the league’s best quarterbacks interviews all-stars in their respective fields, like “Tim Ferriss for jocks” lol, of the ones I’ve listened to the Chris Paul episode really stood out

Panic with Friends with Howard Lindzon [link] – Howard is just uniquely entertaining and interesting as he interviews his equally successful friends in business, investing, and tech

New Money Review with Paul Amery [link] – a very thoughtful and balanced look at the edges of global finance and fintech

My Climate Journey with Jason Jacobs [link] – a successful entrepreneur who tries to understand the challenges facing our global environment by interviewing subject matter experts, often through the lens of entrepreneurship and tech