Health and Fitness learnings for January: “90 minutes strength training a week are 4 years younger at the molecular level”

These are various health and fitness notes I accumulated in January 2025.

Please do not treat them as concrete science or proven fact. I’m just as susceptible to misinformation and fake news and health bias as the next always-online nerd. Below is simply what interests me

A new study suggests that every ten minutes of strength training you do a week increases your telomeres (the caps on the end of chromosomes, associated with longevity) by 6.7 base pairs.

People who do 90 minutes strength training a week are 4 years younger at the molecular level than those who do none.


However, following exercise training the transcriptional signature of aging was markedly reversed back to that of younger levels for most genes that were affected by both age and exercise.

Soleus is called “the 2nd heart” because it pumps blood back to the heart. It is also responsible for handling the most force of any other muscle.
// do more soleus raises

The researchers…found that even if people walked as many as 20,000 steps a day, the health benefits continued to increase. They have not found an upper limit yet
// crazy finding

For pullups — pull bar to you, not pull up to it

Eat less. Caloric restriction, fasting, and keeping your system light throughout the day seem to have real benefits. Being a little hungry most of the time might actually be good for you.

New Foundation exercises for lower back and core strength:

When you inhale, your heart rate speeds up. When you exhale, it slows down. Breathing in for a count of four and out for a count of eight for just a few minutes can start to calm your nervous system. Remember: when you feel agitated, lengthen your exhales.

Spermidine’s strong link to longevity:
Great sources of spermidine: natto, broccoli, mushrooms, cheese, legumes

The more we learn about circadian rhythm, the more we realize that the amount, duration, and type of light you get has all sorts of signaling and hormonal effects on your body. The Sun is not toxic, but most sunscreen is carcinogenic.

Health and fitness learnings for May: a 10 minute walk after a meal can reduce glucose response by 30-35%

Stop Eating All Day (and snacking your kids): Most Americans eat 11 times over a 15-hour period – this is stressful for the body; the body needs time for insulin and glucose to come down

The frequency of aerobic bouts seemed to be more important for their association with health outcomes than the overall duration of daily activity. Concordantly, recent research suggests that short bouts of physical activity can have a strong health-promoting effect

“Watching the news is how you stay on top of other people’s agendas. Taking a walk is how you stay on top of yours.” — Johnny Uzan — Creatine is needed to spread the impact of mitochondrial ATP production throughout the cell, including in the nucleus, where it is needed for DNA duplication, gene expression, and DNA repair.

10m walk after meal can reduce glucose response by 30-35% (source)

As basic as this sounds, full exhalations are seldom practiced. Most of us engage only a small fraction of our total lung capacity with each breath, requiring us to do more and get less. One of the first steps in healthy breathing is to extend these breaths, to move the diaphragm up and down a bit more, and to get air out of us before taking a new one in.

Meditation (mean rating = 5.8), bright lights in the morning (5), cold shower (4.7), and masturbation abstinence (4.1) also got impressive to pretty good ratings.

Side sleeping allow better glymphatic drainage. especially right side

Spermidine has most significant documented lifespan extension
-studied in naked molerats — don’t age because they produce enormous amounts of spermidine
-most naturally found in: beans; lettuce; wheat germ

This argues that ED and CVD are different manifestations of a systemic arterial damage and, due to the smaller diameter of penile arteries, ED occurs earlier than IHD, stroke or peripheral artery disease (PAD) with an equal extent of artery damage

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