Some articles 2

Interesting take on Janeane Garofalo’s career, and how she may have sacrificed some mainstream success because of a distaste for “selling out”. I’ve always liked her style of dry witty kinda dark humor. Sarah Silverman is like the R-rated Janeane. Now I want to go to Brooklyn and watch one of her standups. Here’s a Janeane Garofalo joke I found on the internet:

Listen, young people, I understand narcissism – clearly. But at least I have the decency to hate myself. And that’s what’s missing from the young people. They don’t have the debilitating self-loathing and the second guessing.

Crypto/web3/blockchain is a new internet. And a new internet needs a native naming and address system. There are two such systems I like: ENS (.eth names) and HNS (Handshake tlds/). They are compatible systems, though that’s not initially obvious. ENS has the growth and momentum right now. But Handshake has the potential to completely re-wire the internet naming system for the better, helping us move away from trusted third parties and bureaucratic capture, towards self-custody and greater programmability and user choice. Not investment advice blah blah

Global warming is real, but is it entirely (or even mostly) man-made? Recently I’ve been reading Bjorn Lomborg’s work and it’s opening my sleepy eyes. I assume global warming is at least partially man-made, but to what extent, and whether it warrants such wholesale investments in new policies, regulations, and business practices — that I don’t know. ESG feels increasingly like a boondoggle. Maybe I’m just getting old.

Turkey. Sri Lanka. Argentina. Now Pakistan. We are seeing the cresting tides of a global sovereign debt crisis, and unlike 1997, the American-led world order is far more hamstrung in its ability to help. America is dealing with record high levels of consumer inflation, government debt, and political polarization. And since Obama, it’s steadily retreated from its role as the world’s policeman. Who watches the watchmen?

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