1-Page Cheatsheet: The Big Miss by Hank Haney

The Big Miss by Hank HaneySome athletes are SO GOOD that they suck you in. Any article, forum thread, tweet…you want to know anyone and everyone’s opinion. And of course you have your own.

My SO GOOD list includes Michael Jordan, Roger Federer, and of course Tiger Woods. When I heard the premise for this book – a behind-the-scenes-tell-all from his former swing coach – a book so explosive that a fairly reticent Tiger even complained publicly, I was sold.

Unfortunately, I’m missing 1/3rd of my highlights. After a long flight engrossed in the book on my iPad Kindle app, I absentmindedly left that iPad in my seatback pocket. Those highlights are lost unless a kind stranger returns it, which probably won’t happen because it’s a new iPad mini and those things are pretty sexy.

From the remaining 2/3rds, here’s my 1-page cheatsheet to The Big Miss: My Years Coaching Tiger Woods by Hank Haney [Amazon Kindle].

From Hank’s Wikipedia:

Hank Haney (born August 24, 1955) is an American professional golf instructor best known for coaching Tiger Woods[1] and two-time major championship winner Mark O’Meara. A graduate of the University of Tulsa, Haney owns and operates four teaching facilities in the Dallas, Texas area.

Insights and Highlights

Tiger plays to avoid “the big miss”

Although it’s commonly thought that Tiger plays go-for-broke golf and tries the most difficult shots with no fear, it’s a false image. Tiger is, above all, a calculating golfer who plays percentages and makes sure to err on the safe side.

Avoiding the big miss was a big part of what made Ben Hogan and Jack Nicklaus so great, and it’s a style that Tiger has emulated.

Tiger and Phil have a chilly relationship

Tiger has always had a chilly relationship with Phil. Some of it is personality, but most of it is that Mickelson possesses the kind of talent that has made him a legitimate threat to Tiger’s supremacy. Phil’s popularity with the fans and gentle treatment from the media add to Tiger’s annoyance.

Full-time, traveling coaches are a relatively new thing

But the publicity given to overhauls of pro players’ swings, especially the attention paid to the success David had with Nick, changed the model. Not only did it drive more tour players to seek full-time teachers; it led more instructors to travel the tour looking for business and developing stables. Whereas previously the only “lessons” on tour practice ranges had been one pro passing a quick tip along to another, soon there were so-called swing gurus walking the practice tee with video cameras, often serving multiple players at once.

No surprise – Tiger is GOOD

I was focused on Tiger’s progress, but I also had moments—especially when we first started working together—in which I’d just admire how good he was. Beyond his technique, his swing was mesmerizing for displaying the sheer grace that only the most special athletes possess. But besides exhibiting impressive coordination and explosiveness, even in practice Tiger had a focus and intensity that were beyond anything I’d ever witnessed. I could feel his love for what he was doing: his thrill at controlling the ball, his enthusiasm for learning how to do it better.

Even the people around him weren’t close

But as I was beginning to figure out, Tiger really didn’t let anyone in. It was interesting that Mark also advised that when it came to Tiger, the best policy was “Don’t get too close.”

*Mark Steinberg, Tiger’s agent

Tiger had a close relationship with his caddy Steve Williams…before the fallout

After Mark Steinberg, the next-closest person to Tiger was Steve Williams. Without a doubt, Steve is the best caddie I’ve ever seen. His greatest gift is that he stays completely calm and retains a commanding presence under the greatest tournament pressure. His former boss Raymond Floyd once said that Steve is the only caddie he ever had who didn’t choke. He proved it many times with Tiger, either by saying the right thing at a nervous moment, staying solidly silent in a moment of crisis, or calling Tiger off a shot if he believed it was the wrong one. Steve prided himself on being able to read Tiger’s mind, and Tiger respected Steve’s guts, judgment, and instinct. He also relied on Steve’s ability to be gruff and intimidating so that fans and media would give him a wider berth.

His weakness was the driver

Simply put, Tiger played the driver with a lot of fear.

Sometimes, to make it less of a big deal, he’d remind me that he had never considered himself a particularly good driver, at least in comparison with the rest of his game. “That’s why my name is Woods,” he’d joke. “Maybe it would have been different if I’d been named Fairway.”

He was reserved and could be moody

I saw Tiger in many modes. He could be very gracious in public when he chose. But when the mood struck him, he could be coldly aloof with media, autograph seekers, or even officials. In private, I found that he could either be good company—conversational and intelligent in a way that made you wish he’d allow that side of himself to come out all the time—or completely distant.

He enjoyed breaking small rules

Mostly he just drove his Escalade, but in a way that reflected an impatient guy who wasn’t going to follow the silly rules of regular schlubs. He’d go over the speed limit, but not by a lot. Mostly it was rolling stops, turns over double lines, parking in a restricted spot—time-saving stuff he thought was worth the risk. When I was in the passenger seat, sometimes I’d say “Nice” after one of his illegal moves. That would draw a smile from Tiger as he enjoyed the rare feeling of breaking rules.

He likes popsicles

I always remember a quirky aspect of Tiger’s behavior that in retrospect says a lot about how it was with him. When we were watching television after dinner, he’d sometimes go to the refrigerator to get a sugar-free popsicle. But he never offered me one or ever came back with one, and one night I really wanted one of those popsicles. But I found myself sitting kind of frozen, not knowing what to do next. I didn’t feel right just going to the refrigerator and taking one, and I kind of started laughing to myself at how hesitant I was to ask Tiger for one. It actually took me a while to summon the courage to blurt out, “Hey, bud, do you think I could have one of those popsicles?” He looked at me as if puzzled that I was asking, and said, “Yeah, sure, go ahead and get one.” I did, but even after that, Tiger never offered me a popsicle. It can sound petty, recalling a slight so ludicrously tiny, but my point is, it was that quality of paying attention only to his own needs that was so central to his ability to win.

He has a one-strike policy

The next time I saw Tiger, though, a couple of weeks later, I realized that it had somehow leaked that I’d tipped off the producer. He told me in a flat voice, “Don’t tell people where I’m going to play.” I said, “OK, sorry; won’t happen again.” And that was the end of the discussion. But from that moment, I was never again told whether he was entering a tournament until the same day he publicly announced his decision on his website. It made my life harder as far as planning went, but I guess he felt I’d betrayed him, and this was the consequence. In the bigger picture, he probably didn’t trust me as much, although I’m not sure. With Tiger, as far as staying in the inner sanctum, you’re pretty much one and done.

He has a unique ability to manage emotion

I think one of Tiger’s gifts was the ability, when he needed to, to turn off emotion. It was why after a tantrum he could still be serene over the next shot. No doubt he’d learned early on that strong emotions unchecked adversely affect coordination and focus and generally impede winning. His knack for shutting down emotion was a big reason he closed out victories better than anyone else in history, and why he was so incredibly good at making the last putt.

He’s ruthlessly competitive

Early in his career, when Ernie Els was the next-best player, Tiger handed him a string of hard defeats, and he frankly thought it broke Ernie as a serious rival. Tiger was always looking to do that with anyone who challenged him.

I can remember a few times when another player would make a conciliatory gesture toward Tiger, like sitting down at the lunch table or stopping to say something nice on the practice tee, and Tiger would respond with the cold shoulder. Sergio Garcia got the treatment after some early success against Tiger, and I think it bothered Sergio to the extent that he never played well in their matchups again.

That’s it, folks

Here’s my active reading list.

Previous 1-page cheatsheets include:

Here’s a full list of past books.

Startup CEOs 101: The best articles, blog posts, and Quora threads

For this 101, I focused on what it takes to be a good startup CEO. Topics touched upon, but not covered in-depth, include cofounder relationships and day-to-day operations. Both will be addressed in future 101s.

“A CEO does only three things. Sets the overall vision and strategy of the company and communicates it to all stakeholders. Recruits, hires, and retains the very best talent for the company. Makes sure there is always enough cash in the bank.” – A VC

Here’s the previous 101 on seed fundraising (updated with new resources courtesy of you guys!!). Here are all of them.

I don't do this for the money, but donations certainly help. Use Venmo or Paypal. Thanks and enjoy!

PS. Please send me links. Please make them free and educational.

PPS. If you want a daily email recommending, and summarizing, a great startup article, subscribe to 1-Read-A-Day.

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Startup CEOs 101: Common questions

Total links: 46

Question 1: What are the qualities of a good startup CEO?
Question 2: What are common startup CEO mistakes?
Question 3: How does a startup CEO manage his team?
Question 4: What should a startup CEO know about operations and day-to-day responsibilities?
Question 5: How does a startup CEO create and maintain the right strategy, vision, and mission?
Question 6: How does a startup CEO build the right culture and minimize politics?
Question 7: Stories and advice from the front lines

Question 1: What are the qualities of a good startup CEO?

12 Things Good Bosses Believe by Robert Sutton (HBS)

My job is to serve as a human shield, to protect my people from external intrusions, distractions, and idiocy of every stripe — and to avoid imposing my own idiocy on them as well.

14 Ways To Be A Great CEO by Jason Baptiste (Onswipe founder)

You will be inundated with a list of requests from potential partners, investors, employees, and more. They will all sound absolutely wonderful. As you grow, you will also have the resources to execute more of them. Don’t. It’s easy to say yes, but so very hard to say no. By having an uncanny ability to say no, you can keep your company on track with the large vision you maintain.

Everything is my fault by Derek Sivers (CD Baby Founder)

But to decide it’s your fault feels amazing! Now you weren’t wronged. They were just playing their part in the situation you created. They’re just delivering the punch-line to the joke you set up.

Founder as victim, Founder as God by Peter Thiel (Paypal CEO) and Blake Masters (Judicata cofounder)

Sean Parker might be the paradigmatic example of the extreme founder figure. There was a rise, fall, rise, fall, and then a rise again. His experience in founding multiple things has been a pastiche of extremes. He didn’t go to college. Maybe he didn’t even finish high school. He was involved in various underground hacking circles in ‘90s. He did Napster as teenager. That had a crazy up-down arc to it.

How Andreessen Horowitz Evaluates CEOs by Ben Horowitz (a16z)

The CEO doesn’t have to be the creator of the vision. Nor does she have to be the creator of the story. But she must be the keeper of the vision and the story. As such, the CEO ensures that the company story is clear and compelling.

How to Convince Investors by Paul Graham (YC)

So here’s the recipe for impressing investors when you’re not already good at seeming formidable:
1. Make something worth investing in.
2. Understand why it’s worth investing in.
3. Explain that clearly to investors.

What A CEO Does (continued) by Matt Blumberg (Return Path founder)

Run great meetings. Meetings are a company’s most expensive endeavors. 10 people around a table for an hour is a lot of salary expense! Make sure your meetings are as short as possible, as actionable as possible, and as interesting as possible.

Here’s a meaty review of Matt’s Startup CEO book.

What separates the top 10% of startup CEOs from the rest? by Robert Scoble and others on Quora

Listens and acts. Many CEOs want to tell you what they are doing, but the best ones listen to feedback, and, even, do something with that feedback. My favorites even give credit back. Mike McCue, CEO of Flipboard, tells audiences that I was responsible for a couple of key features.

What We Look for in Founders by Paul Graham (YC)

Though the most successful founders are usually good people, they tend to have a piratical gleam in their eye. They’re not Goody Two-Shoes type good. Morally, they care about getting the big questions right, but not about observing proprieties. That’s why I’d use the word naughty rather than evil. They delight in breaking rules, but not rules that matter.

Why We Prefer Founding CEOs by Ben Horowitz (a16z)

Professional CEOs are effective at maximizing, but not finding, product cycles. Conversely, founding CEOs are excellent at finding, but not maximizing, product cycles. Our experience shows—and the data supports—that teaching a founding CEO how to maximize the product cycle is easier than teaching the professional CEO how to find the new product cycle.

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Question 2: What are common startup CEO mistakes?

The 18 Mistakes That Kill Startups by Paul Graham (YC)

Starting a startup is too hard for one person. Even if you could do all the work yourself, you need colleagues to brainstorm with, to talk you out of stupid decisions, and to cheer you up when things go wrong.

I wrote a brief summary of these 18 mistakes.

Avoid Decision by Indecision by Mark Suster (Upfront Ventures)

To me the sin is having the decision implicitly made for you. The weakness is not having conviction. And as I stated previously in this post, decisiveness is one of the most important characteristics of an entrepreneur. You won’t always be right. But if you’re right 70% of the time and correct when you make mistakes you’ll always be better off making the early calls.

Shared Command by Ben Horowitz (a16z)

Shared command always seems really attractive to the people at the top of the organization like the CEO and the board: “we have two world-class people, this gives us the best of both worlds! We shouldn’t get caught up in the conventions of years past. We’re all adults. We can get along.” It looks much less attractive to those who do all the work in the organization. To them it looks more like frustration, chaos, and delay.

Treating the Dysfunctional CEO by Scott Weiss (a16z)

Some of the most dysfunctional organizations I’ve observed have evolved from dealing with a leader’s idiosyncrasies: He’s stereotypically passive aggressive, erratic, a bully, or plays favorites. Whatever the weird behavior, it drives massive turmoil as the company adapts a workaround to the “Emperor’s New Clothes” syndrome.

Why Founders Fail: The Product CEO Paradox by Ben Horowitz (a16z)

And then he ran smack into the Product CEO Paradox: The only thing that will wreck a company faster than the product CEO being highly engaged in the product is the product CEO disengaging from the product.

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Question 3: How should a startup CEO manage his team?

Delegating or micromanaging, threading the needle by Steven Sinofsky (a16z)

Share experiences, don’t instruct. As the work progresses there’s a chance that the manager will see a pattern or similar situation arise. There’s a good chance the way that experience is communicated can come across as either “sage sharing of experiences” or “more micromanaging”. If there are experiences to share then share the story and allow the learning to take place by allegory and not turn the learning into “just do these steps”.

Enforcing Your Top Priorities by Ian Small (Tokbox CEO)

To develop the list I think about the company’s calendar, milestones and key activities over the next three to four months, and send a draft list of the top seven priorities to the management team. If they agree with the list and order, we just drop the bottom two items. If they don’t, we hash it through until we agree.

Fight Like You’re Right, Listen Like You’re Wrong and Other Keys to Great Management by Robert Sutton (Stanford Engineering Professor)

He points to IDEO founder David Kelley as a prime example of a light-touch manager. “David is a master of what I call ‘management by walking out of the room.’” He might convene a meeting, but if things are going well and the conversation is productive, he’ll eventually walk out. “He knows the fact that he is an authority figure can mess things up. The discussion can be more creative without him there.”

Here’s the email summary from 1-Read-A-Day.

Part 9: How to hire a professional CEO by Marc Andreessen (a16z)


If you don’t have anyone on your founding team who is capable of being CEO, then sell your company — now.

If, Why, and How Founders Should Hire a “Professional” CEO by Reid Hoffman (Greylock)

Many of the greatest success stories of the internet era involve founder/professional CEO partnerships. During the dot com era, Yahoo!’s Tim Koogle helped build Jerry Yang and Dave Filo’s startup into the world’s most valuable internet company. Meanwhile, Meg Whitman helped Pierre Omidyar’s eBay become the second most powerful ecommerce company in the world (trailing only Amazon). The Web 2.0 era provides successful examples like Joe Kennedy and Tim Westergren at Pandora, and the current social era provides even more, including Dick Costolo at Twitter and Tony Zingale and Dave Hersh at Jive.

Here’s the email summary from 1-Read-A-Day!

Line management by numbers by Cennydd Bowles (Twitter design lead)

Score your employee out of ten for:
-Current motivation
-Experience in the role

Then look at the lowest number of the three.
0-3: adopt a tight, management-heavy approach until performance picks up.
4-7: take a supervisory, mentoring approach.
8-10: occasional coaching is all you’ll need. These are the good times.

Losing The Team by Fred Wilson (Union Square Ventures)

If I think about the times I have had to remove a CEO, by far the most common reason was the loss of confidence of the team in the CEO. You get the call from one of the senior team members. They tell you that they are going to leave and so is everyone else on the senior team unless you do something about the leader.

Making Yourself a CEO by Ben Horowitz (a16z)

A popular and sometimes effective technique for feedback beginners is something that experienced managers call The Shit Sandwich. The technique is marvelously described in the classic management text, The One Minute Manager. The basic idea is that people open up to feedback far more if you start by complimenting them (slice of bread #1), then you give them the difficult message (the shit), then wrap up by reminding them how much you value their strengths (slice of bread #2).

Here’s the email summary from 1-Read-A-Day.

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Question 4: What should a startup CEO know about operations and day-to-day responsibilities?

13 Things You Must Do Every Week As A Startup CEO by Jason Goldberg (Fab founder)

Exercise. I can’t stress enough the importance of this. Make yourself go to the gym at least 4 days per week, preferably 5 or 6. Working out gives you the energy and stamina to solve complex problems. Being CEO is incredibly mentally challenging. Use the gym as a way to stay fresh and to clear your head.

As a startup CEO, what is your favorite productivity hack? by Dustin Moskovitz (Facebook, Asana) and others on Quora

One of my favorite hacks is No Meeting Wednesdays, which we borrowed from Facebook. With very few exceptions, everyone’s calendar is completely clear at least one day out of the week. Whether you are Maker or a Manager (http://www.paulgraham.com/makers…), this is an invaluable tool for ensuring you have some contiguous space to do project work.

How much should a start-up CEO make? by Seth Levine (Foundry Group)

I think market (and this seems to be true whether you’re in San Francisco, New York, Boulder or somewhere else) is that companies that have raised $1M or less tend to pay their CEO between $75k and $125k (skewed very much to the low end of that scale – companies that have raised less than $500k tend to top out at $75k for CEO comp). Companies that have raised between $1M and about $2.5M tend to pay their CEOs around $125k.

How to Be Startup CEO by Ryan Allis (entrepreneur)

Be as creative as you can, offering ownership in your company in exchange for early employees’ work or for critical services like legal and accounting, or requesting deferred payment so that you can pay when you are able to. Keep your costs down, as low as possible, until your monthly revenues grow and enable you to increase your expenses. And do contract consulting work on the side if needed to have money to live on.

The CEO’s Weekly Checklist by Scott Weiss (a16z)

Shortly after our first round of funding, my co-founder, Scott Banister, turned to me and said, “I’ve heard you tell 100 different people a slightly different version of the same story. I had no idea you spend so much time selling!” He was right, I was constantly selling: soliciting investors and advisors, signing recruiters and PR firms, hiring employees, securing first customers, conducting company meetings, convincing reporters and sparring with industry analysts.

Here’s my email summary from 1-Read-A-Day.

The Entrepreneur’s Guide to Conflicting Advice by Joe Heitzeberg (entrepreneur)

This blog post isn’t about how advice is useless, or that you should go it alone. Au contraire – surround yourself with SuperMentors, advisors and investors who are aligned with your goals and who believe in you and can bring out the best in you — by applying relevant experience to your particular challenges — now and in the future.

Here’s the email summary from 1-Read-A-Day.

What Harvard Business School is Teaching This Tech Entrepreneur by Ryan Allis (entrepreneur)

One of the key “HBS takeaways” from the last few weeks for me has been that to continue to grow beyond initial success, an entrepreneurial founder CEO must change their very nature and slow down to:
1. Create effective processes for disciplined information sharing.
2. Give up as many operational roles in the company as possible.
3. Bring the senior team in early on during strategy formation.

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Question 5: How does a startup CEO create and maintain the right strategy?

2004 Founders’ IPO Letter by Larry Page and Sergey Brin (Google founders)

Our employees, who have named themselves Googlers, are everything. Google is organized around the ability to attract and leverage the talent of exceptional technologists and business people. We have been lucky to recruit many creative, principled and hard working stars. We hope to recruit many more in the future. We will reward and treat them well.

Here’s the email summary from 1-Read-A-Day.

From Vision to Values: The Importance of Defining Your Core by Jeff Weiner (LinkedIn CEO)

Mission – Overarching objective of the organization; should be measurable, achievable, and ideally inspirational. Should not be used synonymously with a vision statement. A great mission statement is brief, easy to remember, minimizes the use of the word “and” (to prevent a laundry list), shouldn’t require follow-up clarifying questions when first presented, and ideally proves to be uniquely identifiable to the company

Here’s the email summary from 1-Read-A-Day.

How to Analyze Your Startup Like A VC in 15 Minutes Or Less by Tom Tunguz (Redpoint)

The BMC describes the key operations of a business: the Value Proposition, the Key (Operating) Activities, Partners, Assets/Resources, Customer Relationships, Go-To-Market Channels, Customer Segments, Cost Structure and Revenue Streams.

How to build companies that matter by Eric Ries (Lean Startup author)

The Lean Startup takes agile practices and evolves them for use in a startup. The net result is a focus on experimentation and extremely rapid deployment. At IMVU, my most recent startup, we built the systems that allowed us to deploy code to customers fifty times every day. When releases are measured in minutes, not months, you can build a company culture designed to avoid the biggest waste of all: building product nobody wants.

How to Make Wealth by Paul Graham (YC)

There is a conservation law at work here: if you want to make a million dollars, you have to endure a million dollars’ worth of pain. For example, one way to make a million dollars would be to work for the Post Office your whole life, and save every penny of your salary. Imagine the stress of working for the Post Office for fifty years. In a startup you compress all this stress into three or four years.

Startup = Growth by Paul Graham (YC)

A good growth rate during YC is 5-7% a week. If you can hit 10% a week you’re doing exceptionally well. If you can only manage 1%, it’s a sign you haven’t yet figured out what you’re doing.

Here’s my email summary from 1-Read-A-Day.

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Question 6: How does a startup CEO build the right culture and minimize politics?

Cult Creation by Steve Newcomb (Powerset founder)

The best way to prove to yourself, potential investors and to any potential future employees that you have a killer idea, is to get a number of A-level engineers to join full-time with equity-only deals.

Here’s the email summary from 1-Read-A-Day.

How to Minimize Politics in Your Company by Ben Horowitz (a16z)

The difference between managing executives and managing more junior employees can be thought of as the difference between being in a fight with someone with no training and being in a ring with a professional boxer. If you are in a fight with a regular person, then you can do natural things and they won’t get you into much trouble. For example, if you want to take a step backwards, you can pick your front foot up first. If you do this against a professional boxer, you will get your block knocked off. Professional boxers train for years to take advantage of small errors in technique. Lifting your front foot first to take a step backwards will take you slightly off balance for a split second and that’s all your opponent will need.

Here’s the email summary from 1-Read-A-Day.

What strong beliefs on culture for entrepreneurialism did Peter / Max / David have at PayPal? by Keith Rabois (Paypal, Square) and others via Quora

Extreme Focus (driven by Peter): Peter required that everyone be tasked with exactly one priority. He would refuse to discuss virtually anything else with you except what was currently assigned as your #1 initiative. Even our annual review forms in 2001 required each employee to identify their single most valuable contribution to the company.

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Question 7: Stories and advice from the front lines

90 Things I’ve Learned From Founding 4 Technology Companies by Jason Goldberg (Fab founder)

It’s all about the product. Always has been. Always will be. The only thing that matters is how good your product is. All the rest is noise. At Fab, our virtual product is our website & apps, our physical products are the merchandise we sell, and our experience product is our operations and service. Getting all 3 parts of our product right is everything.

Here’s the short summary from 1-Read-A-Day.

All CEOs Should Be An Outside Director For One Company by Brad Feld (Foundry Capital)

Now, imagine you are a CEO of a fast growing startup. Wouldn’t it be awesome to be able to spend a small amount of your time in that same emotional and functional detachment for someone else’s company? Not only would it stretch some new muscles for you, it’d give you a much broader perspective on how “the job of a CEO” works. You might have new empathy for a CEO, which could include self-empathy (since you are also a CEO)

Among Max Levchin’s lessons learned as a young entrepreneur, which are the greatest? by Max Levchin (Paypal, Slide) on Quora

If there is any doubt about hiring a candidate for your first 5-6 positions, there is no doubt — do not.

Here’s the email summary from 1-Read-A-Day.

Entrepreneurs Who Create Value vs. Entrepreneurs Who Lock Up Value by Andy Kessler (entrepreneurship author)

Carlos Slim Helu comes to mind who briefly passed Bill Gates in 2007 and 2010 to become the richest man in the word. He controls 90% of the phone lines in Mexico and 80% of cellular customers. He didn’t invent anything. He doesn’t drive down prices. There is little innovation. And why should there be? He is milking this franchise for all it’s worth.

Entrepreneurshit. The Blog Post on What It’s Really Like. by Mark Suster (Upfront Ventures)

You have secret doubts about your co-founder. She seems depressed. And she isn’t pulling weekends anymore like you are. I know, right? Total bullshit. She’s just not as committed as she once was. I don’t think she really believes any more. If I told my VCs would they then lose interest in our next round? Would they blame me? Would they back me or think I had gone off the rails?

Here’s a related Suster post on CEO health and fitness.

Startup Advice by Sam Altman (Loopt, YC)

Hire friends and friends of friends. Go after these people like crazy to get them to join. Some other candidate sources are ok, but I always got bad results from technical recruiters.

Here’s the short summary from 1-Read-A-Day.

Swapping Drivers on this Long Road Trip Together by Rand Fishkin (Moz founder)

Sarah likes to describe the last 6 years at Moz as a road trip. I’ve been driving and she’s been in the passenger seat, navigating. But while I really loved having the wheel for most of the journey, we’re getting into terrain I don’tlove as much, and it might be time for Sarah and I to switch positions. She’ll be a different kind of driver and I’ll be a different kind of navigator, but we, the vehicle, and the passengers, will all be fine.

The Hardest Lessons for Startups to Learn by Paul Graham (YC)

Startup founders are naturally optimistic. They wouldn’t do it otherwise. But you should treat your optimism the way you’d treat the core of a nuclear reactor: as a source of power that’s also very dangerous. You have to build a shield around it, or it will fry you.

The Struggle by Ben Horowitz (a16z)

This is not checkers; this is mutherfuckin’ chess – Technology businesses tend to be extremely complex. The underlying technology moves, the competition moves, the market moves, the people move. As a result, like playing three-dimensional chess on Star Trek, there is always a move. You think you have no moves? How about taking your company public with $2M in trailing revenue and 340 employees, with a plan to do $75M in revenue the next year? I made that move. I made it in 2001, widely regarded as the worst time ever for a technology company to go public. I made it with six weeks of cash left. There is always a move.

What does it feel like to be the CEO of a start-up? by Paul DeJoe (Ecquire founder) and others on Quora

You feel guilty when you’re doing something you like doing outside of the company. Only through years of wrestling with this internal fight do you recognize how the word “balance” is an art that is just as important as any other skill set you could ever hope to have. You begin to see how valuable creativity is and that you must think differently not only to win, but to see the biggest opportunity. You recognize you get your best ideas when you’re not staring at a screen. You see immediate returns on healthy distractions.

You’re not the CEO – you’re the Fucking Janitor by Zach Bruhnke (entrepreneur)

My employees never looked at me as a boss but always as a colleague. They knew that if they didn’t pick up that broom to sweep the floor then I certainly would and that led to a much more productive work environment.

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10 inspiring and entertaining Youtube videos

I keep a list of favorite Youtube videos that I go back and watch regularly. They all move me in a different way. Here are 10 of the more “inspiring” ones.

1. Frozen Grand Central – from the folks at Improv Everywhere. I like the social commentary in this one.

2. Dog playing by himself – as an only child…I can relate

3. Bruce Lee commercial – back from the dead, and narrated by Jackie Chan? Sold.

4. Child of the 90s – the older I get, the more vulnerable I am to nostalgia

5. Audi Prom – “Bravery. It’s what defines us.” Somewhere, Don Draper is smiling.

6. Nick Vujicic – it’s good to be reminded

7. Ueli Steck – my hands started sweating about 10 seconds in

8. Christian the Lion – oldie but goodie…some things are universal

9. A man reunited with his dog – exhibit #1 in why they’re man’s best friend. Think a cat would do this?

10. Bully bodyslam – I couldn’t help laughing at the little boy as he struggles to get up

What are your favorite videos? Bring ’em on!

How and why I’ve spent 377 hours listening to podcasts since June 2012

Bill Simmons - The BS ReportThat’s almost an hour a day. Yes, it’s made-up, but the real number isn’t far off.

I think everyone should listen to podcasts, and it’d be sweet to host my own someday. So let me explain how I got into them, why they’re so great, and which shows are my favorites.

How I got into podcasts

I’ve always enjoyed audiobooks. Audible is expensive but I’ve never regretted a purchase.

Like an Economist subscription or a Skritter membership, the price you pay pales in comparison to the value of what you learn. I’m a firm believer that knowledge – of any kind – increases life satisfaction and improves your view of the world.

Yes, it can make you more cynical at times, but ignorance is definitely not bliss. It’s just lazy. You wouldn’t operate on a sick patient or create a web app without learning everything you can about it, so why the heck would you take a hands-off approach to the bigger and tougher problem of understanding the world around you?

Plus, random knowledge makes me more interesting at cocktail parties, which I need since I’m good with cocktails and bad with social skills.

It wasn’t until recently that I began listening to podcasts. In some ways they’re better than audiobooks – they’re shorter and they’re free.

Podcasts have exploded in variety and quality, driven by smartphones, broadband, and marketplaces like iTunes. Like Spotify is doing for musicians and Kindle Direct Publishing is doing for authors, podcast creators (ranging from educators to comedians to entrepreneurs) can now reach a large audience and make enough money to support themselves.

Listening to podcasts used to be a hassle. I would search the internet haystack, find the mp3 needle, load it into iTunes, and sync it with my iPhone, all before I listened to a single second.

I’d often remember the podcast was in my phone after the fact, then mentally flog myself for spending half an hour driving in the car, listening to Selena Gomez or some mindless EDM crap, when I could have been using my time productively.

The Stitcher app removed all that hassle and made me into a podcast fanboy. I could easily find the best shows. Stitcher would automatically download them to my phone. The app would resume playback from where I was last.

Ironically, I switched from Stitcher to Apple’s Podcasts app in the last 6 months (the main reason: Stitcher has ads and Podcasts doesn’t), but I’d already spent 150 listening hours (Stitcher tracks that data) and it’d become a habit. Now I automatically open the Podcasts app when my ears have 5+ minutes to spare, like when I lift weights, or drive somewhere, or do laundry. It’s probably saved my life, because podcasts keep me awake when I’m driving home at 2am after carousing with friends. I like that word, carousing.

Why they’re great

You learn unique stuff. Since 90% of my reading time is spent on blog posts about startups or China, I don’t branch out much. But with the Podcasts app, I listen to everything from Dan Carlin discussing the Mongol rise under Genghis Khan to Bill Simmons and Cousin Sal predicting NFL lines to This American Life interviewing people at popular highway rest stops. It’s intellectual potpourri.

You learn in a different way. My preferred learning style is reading. That’s why I’m obsessed with clipping articles and with my Kindle ebooks. It’s also why in elementary school I was named the “person who always had a book in his hand”. You can tell I was quite the popular 3rd grader. Podcasts force me to learn by listening, which balances out the mindless feed-reading and email-surfing that I do on my laptop and stretches my brain.

You’re more productive in your downtime. This is a harder argument to make, because you could argue that downtime is necessary for your brain to relax and free-associate, which is why Gretchen Rubin has a rule that she doesn’t use her phone when she’s on the subway, bus, car, or taxi. She says it’s because all her best big ideas have come in that downtime. But its harder to argue listening to that Hardwell set for the 27th time is equally productive.

What I listen to

Every episode of these:

1. Bill Simmons’ BS Report (except when he discusses Breaking Bad, because I usually haven’t seen the latest episode…there’s too much good TV!)
2. Dan Carlin’s Hardcore History (in particular, his mind-blowing 5-part series on Genghis Khan and the Mongol Empire)
3. 60-Second Mind and 60-Second Health (improve your life in 60 seconds? I’m there!)
4. New York Times Book Review (I skip the boring reviews)
5. This American Life (there’s something about Ira Glass’s voice and the way he tells stories)

Some episodes of these:

1. The Adam and Dr. Drew Show (I was obsessed with Loveline but this podcast is sometimes too “Adam Carolla bitch-fest”)
2. 60-Second Space, Earth, and Science
3. Freakonomics Radio
4. NPR: TED Radio Hour

Pick-and-choose from these:

1. Here’s The Thing with Alec Baldwin
2. Common Sense with Dan Carlin
3. The Dr. Drew Podcast
4. Dan Pink’s Office Hours

Occasionally, I’ll go through Loveline, This American Life, and Fresh Air with Terry Gross archives and download interesting episodes. I would share a list with you, but it’s a pain to find the right links and I usually delete the mp3s when I’m finished.

Starting today, I’ll keep a current page of subscribed podcasts. Check there for the latest, since there’s an ~5% monthly turnover.

Pretty please?

The worst part of podcasts is that if I hear something great, like this beautiful Jesus and MLK story, it’s difficult to clip that section, annotate it, and share it. Written text wins here. Can someone please solve this problem?

Alrighty readers

I hope you give podcasts a shot, and if you do, try the Podcasts app or Stitcher. Perhaps audiobooks will be the topic of a future post. Here’s one of my favorite audiobooks, courtesy of Tim Ferriss.

If you listen to great podcasts not mentioned here, please share. Thanks for taking 6 minutes to read this post!

Entrepreneurs as predators, not risk-takers: Malcolm Gladwell’s The Sure Thing

Malcolm Gladwell in high school trackAnother classic article from the Gladwell archives.

Gladwell argues that the conventional view of entrepreneurs as hot-headed risk-takers is wrong. The most successful entrepreneurs are actually cold-blooded, calculating predators. From Ted Turner to John Paulson to Sam Walton, Gladwell arrives at the conclusion that the most successful entrepreneurs aren’t taking risks at all – they simply see an opportunity that others miss or undervalue, and consistently minimize chances for failure along the way.

Full article here.

The write-up below is included in my 1-Read-A-Day newsletter.

Highlights from the article

Gladwell starts by explaining how Ted Turner bought a local broadcast station and built it into TBS – against the advice of everyone around him:

“We tried to make it clear that—yes—this thing might work, but if it doesn’t everything will collapse,” Mazo said, years later. “Everything you’ve got will be gone. . . . It wasn’t just us, either. Everybody told him not to do it.”

[Turner] was a drinker, a yeller, a man of unstoppable urges and impulses, the embodiment of the entrepreneur as risk-taker. He bought the station, and so began one of the great broadcasting empires of the twentieth century.

The character portrait is a romantic one, but inaccurate. Turner had significant advantages from day one: the billboard company he inherited from his father gave him plenty of cash and excess inventory to advertise the new network.

Further, Turner paid a reasonable purchase price and didn’t put a penny down.

The truly successful businessman…is anything but a risk-taker. He is a predator, and predators seek to incur the least risk possible while hunting.

Examples of other risk-minimizing entrepreneurs include:

  • Giovanni Agnelli (the founder of Fiat) who kicked out his initial investors to gain majority control
  • George Eastman (the founder of Kodak) who shifted early financial risk to his wealthy friends
  • Ingvar Kamprad (the founder of Ikea) who had his furniture built in Poland instead of Sweden – at half the cost

Then there’s hedge fund manager John Paulson. By 2004, Paulson was managing $2B and was,

“Zuckerman writes, a “solid investor, careful and decidedly unspectacular.” The particular kinds of deal he did were “among the safest forms of investing.”

In the housing boom of 2004-2005, Paulson began shorting subprime mortgages – to the tune of $25 billion dollars (!).

Most people thought the trade was too risky; they believed Paulson was crazy. But Paulson – through meticulous research – saw an something they missed.

“There’s never been an opportunity like this,” Paulson gushed to a colleague, as he made one bet after another. By “never,” he meant never ever—not in his lifetime and not in anyone else’s, either…In 2007 alone, Paulson & Co. took in fifteen billion dollars in profits, of which four billion went directly into Paulson’s pocket. In 2008, his firm made five billion dollars. Rarely in human history has anyone made so much money is so short a time.

Paulson and Turner are PREDATORS. They’re not braver or crazier than the rest – they’re MORE ANALYTICAL. They see opportunities that others miss and they act immediately and aggressively.

In Turner’s case, he even became physically sick when his family purchased a competing billboard firm, a deal he considered too risky:

It was a good deal, not a perfect one, and that niggling imperfection, along with the toll that the uncertainty was taking on his father, left Turner worried sick. “During the first six months or so after the General Outdoor acquisition my weight dropped from 180 pounds to 135,” he writes. “I developed a pre-ulcerative condition and my doctor made me swear off coffee. I’d get so tired and agitated that one of my eyelids developed a twitch.”

When you look at the winning hedge funds in the subprime mortgage collapse, they all shared the same behavior: predators who did their homework, found a marketplace anomaly, and made a big, calculated “bet”.

You could even argue that the entrepreneurs who take the most risks are most liable to fail.

Taking over an existing business is always the best bet; failed entrepreneurs prefer to start from scratch. Ninety per cent of the fastest-growing companies in the country sell to other businesses; failed entrepreneurs usually try selling to consumers, and, rather than serving customers that other businesses have missed, they chase the same people as their competitors do. The list goes on…a good many of these risks reflect a lack of preparation or foresight.

And some science to back it up:

When the sociologists Hongwei Xu and Martin Ruef asked a large sample of entrepreneurs and non-entrepreneurs to choose among three alternatives—a business with a potential profit of five million dollars with a twenty-per-cent chance of success, or one with a profit of two million with a fifty-per-cent chance of success, or one with a profit of $1.25 million with an eighty-per-cent chance of success—it was the entrepreneurs who were more likely to go with the third, safe choice.

Gladwell’s a tremendous writer, social theorist, and story-teller. Highly recommended article.