August Quotes: “It’s worth noting that you can devote your life to community service and be a total schmuck. You can spend your life on Wall Street and be a hero” – David Brooks

Homer Simpson the vegetarianSee all previous ones here. Tucker Max writes a monthly quotes post which is great.

Love the way this sounds:

Poems are made by fools like me, but only God can make a tree. – Joyce Kilmer

From a favorite Brooks article:

I saw young people with deep moral yearnings. But they tended to convert moral questions into resource allocation questions; questions about how to be into questions about what to do…It’s worth noting that you can devote your life to community service and be a total schmuck. You can spend your life on Wall Street and be a hero. – David Brooks

Even other cultures, millenia ago, were thinking about habits:

Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habit. Watch your habits; they become character. Watch your character; it becomes your destiny. – Lao Tzu

Reminds me of the rage to master:

The dirty little secret of every creative workshop or motivational seminar is simply this: The person who is going to change is going to change anyway. She has no choice. She is impelled by inner necessity. – Steven Pressfield

I don’t like when people say that something is “strictly business” or that they’re “being logical”. Your emotions are to thinking like bread is to a sandwich, without which it cannot exist.

Reason is and ought to be only a slave to the passions, and can never pretend to be any other office than to serve and obey them. – David Hume

Certainly feels true, no?

Every great cause begins as a movement, becomes a business, and eventually degenerates into a racket – Eric Hoffer

Meditation is helping me with this:

Infinite patience gets you immediate results – James Altucher

I suck at this:

Love your enemies, for they tell you your faults – Ben Franklin

I agree with the below. Sometimes overly so?

The only path to amazing runs directly through not-so-amazing – Seth Godin

Like the old saw, “a fox knows many things but the hedgehog knows one big thing”…

Fanaticism is the only way to put an end to the doubts that constantly trouble the human soul – Paulo Coehlo


If most of your courtship attempts have succeeded, you must be a very attractive and charming person who has been aiming too low – Geoffrey Miller

Why I stay away from email and social media in the evening:

Arguing with people is like reading your email at 4am in the morning. There is absolutely no good that can come of it. It’s just scratching an itch – James Altucher

This Hemingway guy, really something:

This too to remember. If a man writes clearly enough any one can see if he fakes. If he mystifies to avoid a straight statement, which is very different from breaking so-called rules of syntax or grammar to make an effect which can be obtained in no other way, the writer takes a longer time to be known as a fake and other writers who are afflicted by the same necessity will praise him in their own defense. True mysticism should not be confused with incompetence in writing which seeks to mystify where there is no mystery but is really only the necessity to fake to cover lack of knowledge or the inability to state clearly. Mysticism implies a mystery and there are many mysteries; but incompetence is not one of them; nor is overwritten journalism made literature by the injection of a false epic quality. Remember this too: all bad writers are in love with the epic.
-Ernest Hemingway

Will automation render human workers obsolete? Daniel Akst explains

Dilbert on automationY’all know I’m a big fan of reading stuff and then summarizing it. I’ve been doing CliffsNotes for books with my 1-page cheatsheets, and for startup articles with 1-read-a-day.

Wilson Quarterly is a new find. Their articles are long (3,000+ words), well-researched, and written in a “scholarly journalist” voice like The Economist.

Daniel Akst writes the weekly R&D column for WSJ. His essay, Automation Anxiety, is perfectly timed with some questions on my mind, such as:

  • As U.S. jobs are increasingly concentrated in technology and knowledge, what happens to workers who are left behind?
  • How will the U.S. maintain its global leadership, as we increasingly see signs of strain in its economy, its cultural influence, and its moral authority?
  • What will the “job of the future” look like?
  • How many of today’s jobs will be automated, and in what way?

My bias is to write down insights that are new to me, as opposed to what I think will be most interesting to the widest swath of readers. Treat it like a Costco free sample: if you enjoy it, go and read the whole thing.

CliffsNotes for Automation Anxiety by Daniel Akst

His main question:

But now, with the advent of machines that are infinitely more intelligent and powerful than most people could have imagined a century ago, has the day finally come when technology will leave millions of us permanently displaced?

A big part of his thesis:

Notice Bloom’s insights: first, that technology could obviate arduous manual labor; second, that this would cost somebody a job; and third, that it would also create a job, but for a different person altogether.

Some stats

  • US shed 6.3mm manufacturing jobs between 1990 and 2010
  • Unemployment is at 7.5%, 4 years after our “Great Recession”

Akst goes on to compare our situation today to similar automation and job market fears in the 1950s and 1960s (the Kennedy, LBJ eras). Unemployment was high (hitting 7% at one point)

The prominent economist Robert Heilbroner argued that rapid technological change had supercharged productivity in agriculture and manufacturing, and now threatened “a whole new group of skills—the sorting, filing, checking, calculating, remembering, comparing, okaying skills—that are the special preserve of the office worker.”

And here we get to the second piece of Akst’s argument:

some of its most important effects were felt not in the economic realm but in the arena of social change

In the 1950s and 60s, we mistakenly assumed that there was a ceiling to demand for goods and services (hah!):

Although the principle that human wants are insatiable is enshrined in every introductory economics course, it was somehow forgotten by intellectuals who themselves probably weren’t very materialistic, and who might only have been dimly aware of the great slouching beasts of retailing—the new shopping malls—going up on the edge of town

Interestingly, there was also concern that – with consistently shorter working days – we’d hit a point where we hardly worked at all. What would we do with the leisure time??

In the first half of the 20th century, the number of hours worked per week had shrunk by a quarter for the average worker, and in 1967 the futurist Herman Kahn declared that this trend would continue, predicting a four-day work week—and 13 weeks of vacation.

Some writers got it right:

Simon wrote, “The world’s problems in this generation and the next are problems of scarcity, not of intolerable abundance. The bogeyman of automation consumes worrying capacity that should be saved for real problems—like population, poverty, the Bomb, and our own neuroses.”

The people most affected were middle-aged, working class men (as they are today):

The economists Michael Greenstone and Adam Looney found that from 1969 to 2009, the median earnings of men ages 25 to 64 dropped by 28 percent after inflation. For those without a high school diploma, the drop was 66 percent. This is to say nothing of lost pensions and health insurance.

Why such declines? #1, entrance of women and immigrants into the workforce, #2, increased global trade, #3, rising use of technology

In fact, the proportion of men who were not in the formal labor force tripled from 1960 to 2009, to a remarkable 18 percent

Sociologist Daniel Bell was particularly prescient:

Bell acknowledged that there would be disruptions. And he was accurate about their nature, writing that “many workers, particularly older ones, may find it difficult ever again to find suitable jobs. It is also likely that small geographical pockets of the United States may find themselves becoming ‘depressed areas’ as old industries fade or are moved away.”

Bell also foretold the social impact of such changes:

“creating a new salariat instead of a proletariat, as automated processes reduce[d] the number of industrial workers required.” He accurately foresaw a world in which “muscular fatigue [would be] replaced by mental tension”

Like some thinkers in the 50s and 60s, Akst believes that the big problem is (re)distribution:

“The economy of abundance can sustain all citizens in comfort and economic security whether or not they engage in what is commonly reckoned as work,” the committee continued, arguing for “an unqualified commitment to provide every individual and every family with an adequate income as a matter of right.”

Why? Because automation presents us with a windfall, and the hard question is how it’s shared:

This doesn’t mean we must embrace the utopianism of the Triple Revolution manifesto or return to the despised system of open-ended welfare abolished during the Clinton years. But inevitably, if only to maintain social peace, it will mean a movement toward some of the universal programs—medical coverage, long-term care insurance, low-cost access to higher education—that have helped other advanced countries shelter their work forces from economic shocks better than the United States has, and control costs while they’re at it.

And a couple insightful comments:

It seems to me that unless we can invent a new kind of labour – post-physical, post-mental – we will have to come up with a new kind of wealth creation mechanism that allows for 1) the use of fewer workers and 2) a fair distribution of the wealth created. – idespair

Akst devotes an anemic, apologetic two paragraphs to the central fact of his essay – the adaptation required this time is fundamentally political rather than technological. And to most eyes that political solution can hardly be described as anything but radical. – civisisus

Thanks for reading, folks. Here’s the full article.

A collection of shiny objects

I have a problem. I collect trivia like raccoons collect shiny objects.

I store this collection in a notebook called “Random facts and learnings”.

It’s inspired by Steven Johnson’s Spark File:

I’ve been maintaining a single document where I keep all my hunches: ideas for articles, speeches, software features, startups, ways of framing a chapter I know I’m going to write, even whole books. I now keep it as a Google document so I can update it from wherever I happen to be. There’s no organizing principle to it, no taxonomy–just a chronological list of semi-random ideas that I’ve managed to capture before I forgot them. I call it the spark file.

Sometimes you start a new thing, and after awhile, you stop that new thing. A fad diet, a new friend, a Kindle book.

Sometimes you start a new thing, and you keep doing it. In fact, you find it hard to stop.

That’s the story of “Random facts and learnings”. It’s my spark file for trivia. When I read a statistic, a study, or an acronym, and think to myself, “I’d like to remember this, but probably won’t”, into the spark file it goes. My shiny collection is now ~40 pages.

Here are 5 items that I hope will catch your eye. I’ll attempt to curate and share more each month.

1. Mountain dew was originally slang for moonshine

2. Cryptophasia is the tendency for twins to communicate in their own private language. Like so.

3. Getting married causes a 2-year increase in happiness. Once a married couple has children, happiness steadily declines until the children leave the house, then marriage happiness begins to increase again

4. We have a functional and complex neural network or ‘brain’ in the gut, called the enteric brain, and fear is mediated by this brain. The # of neurons in our gut is equivalent to that of a cat’s!

5. Where does “raining cats and dogs” come from? One interpretation: in the old days, when it rained really hard, they’d find dead dogs and cats in the storm waters

Do you collect trivia, too? I’d love to hear from you. Thanks as always.

George Orwell rewriting Ecclesiastes

It takes some effort to get through, but Orwell’s Politics and the English Language is one of the best essays from one of the best nonfiction writers.

Here, Orwell translates a passage of what he considers good English (Ecclesiastes 9:11)…

I returned and saw under the sun, that the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favour to men of skill, but time and chance happeneth to them all.

…into “modern English of the worst sort”:

Objective considerations of contemporary phenomena compel the conclusion that success or failure in competitive activities exhibits no tendency to be commensurate with innate capacity, but that a considerable element of the unpredictable must invariably be taken into account.

I’m a recovering addict of using words like “leverage” and “substitutability” and “pivot”. Ironic, that it takes MORE effort to use SIMPLER words.

July Books: The Power of Habit, Beta China

This month was RSS/bookmark catch-up, so I only finished 2 books. Here’s my Evernote which shows my non-book readings.

The Power of HabitPower of Habit by Charles Duhigg [Amazon]

One of my 2013 favorites. Here’s a 1-page cheatsheet.

Researchers have learned that cues can be almost anything, from a visual trigger such as a candy bar or a television commercial to a certain place, a time of day, an emotion, a sequence of thoughts, or the company of particular people. Routines can be incredibly complex or fantastically simple (some habits, such as those related to emotions, are measured in milliseconds). Rewards can range from food or drugs that cause physical sensations, to emotional payoffs, such as the feelings of pride that accompany praise or self-congratulation.

Beta China by Hamish McKenzieBeta China by Hamish McKenzie [Amazon]

I consistently enjoy Hamish’s PandoDaily posts: strong research, crisp syntax, and a clear point-of-view. Here’s a great example. This “special report” – unfortunately – misses his usual mark, but given the tough subject matter (for example, it’s an opaque business environment, and entrepreneurs speak limited English), and the low price ($1.99), I’d rate it a “buy”.

Until recently, their [big tech cos like Baidu, Alibaba, Tencent, and Sina] preference was to raid the best talent from startups, copy the most successful products, and move on. They already controlled most of the distribution channels and could quickly push their own versions of products out to their existing user bases, which number in the hundreds of millions.

Here are previous months.

What have you read and loved? Please share! Thanks folks.