A must read if you want to understand the fundamental innovation of bitcoin: “Bitcoin is time”

I read this essay every few months and every few months my mind is blown again:

In other words, the diffi­culty-adjust­ment is about keeping a constant time, not a constant level of security, diffi­culty, or energy expen­di­ture. This is ingenious because good money has to be costly in time, not energy. Linking money to energy alone is not suffi­cient to produce absolute scarcity since every improve­ment in energy gener­a­tion would allow us to create more money. Time is the only thing we will never be able to make more of. It is The Ultimate Resource, as Julian Simon points out. This makes Bitcoin the ultimate form of money because its issuance is directly linked to the ultimate resource of our universe: time

from Bitcoin is time by Gigi