10 simple beautiful piano songs to play (with pdfs)

My childhood piano experience was a stressful one, but today playing piano has become for me a nice outlet, a relaxing escape from the computer screen, from answering emails and scheduling calendar appointments.

Here are 10 simple beautiful songs that I like to play, with printable PDFs. Note: the YouTube videos are not of me :)


1. Trois Gymnopedies by Erik Satie — really, just the premiere…

2. Comptine d’un autre ete by Yann Tiersen — the Amelie theme song

3. Forrest Gump theme song by Alan Silvestri

4. To Zanarkand by Nobuo Uematsu — from FFX

5. A Jay Chou Megamix — includes 安静 and 黑色幽默 :)

6. Angel Eyes by Jim Brickman

7. The Up theme song from Disney Pixar

8. Le Matin by Yann Tiersen

9. River Flows In You by Yiruma

10. Butterfly Waltz by Brian Crain — I haven’t played any other songs in this collection

*I’m amazed by the traffic this post gets…here are 6 more songs + pdfs!