Podcast notes – Punk 6529 on Bankless: “NFTs are generic carriers for intangible assets…intangibles are $70 TRILLION”

Why pseudonymous identity
Very intrigued by NFTs in late 2020s
Initially thought it was cute games for kids
Saw Gmoney, Punk4156 – inspired by idea

Idea behind bitcoin – provable ownership

“If you’re not sure, you should just try it”
With tech, you can’t just read about it, you gotta use it

Now he checks in and out of 2 different ecosystems – Facebook is his pre-existing / real identity life
Twitter is his NFT and crypto community – noticed it’s as easy, if not easier, to cooperate and collaborate here, didn’t expect this at first

Fact that NFTs are always visible in wallets – security flaw, but solvable (especially expensive ones, eg, Fidenza)

On bulletin boards 20 years ago — didn’t know ID of those people, just had pseudonymous handles
“It’s not weird at all — you’re all gonna do it”
People present differently online, on LinkedIn v IG v Facebook

The NFT makes the pseudonymous ID provable

RSA: “Don’t trust anyone in crypto who hasn’t used Uniswap”

“No constitutional rights without freedom to transact”

There’s a progressive erosion of freedom

One is tech intermediated —
NYC yellow cabs, pay cash, no one can stop you from using them – decentralized physical activity
Now, Uber can stop you any time for any reason

Two is post 911 AML/KYC
Cash now viewed with suspicion
Impossible to launch “cash” as a product today

End state of all this is a few large databases that intermediate everything — it’s a chokepoint, a honeypot
No thinking about second order effects
Some very ambitious politicians will take control, shut down and control large numbers of people, including their opponents
All of this runs outside of due process
Starts with good intentions, but grows and grows
Network effects which become chokepoints

Crypto’s own permissionless architecture becomes an important counterweight – Bitcoin has no CEO

RSA: there will be 2 types of money — controlled money and free money

NFTs are our best shot at achieving decentralization — that’s why he started 6529

Most of his friends are completely clueless — lots of them think he’s lost his mind about NFTs and crypto
Caught in a MLM scheme or Ponzi

What’s funnier — lots of BTC people can’t get into ETH or vice-versa, or NFTs and DeFi — “have you looked at yourself in the mirror?”

“Hardened veteran of being yelled at”

A lot of super technical crypto lovers shit on NFTs, “kid stuff”

Because crypto was too obsessed with the technology, it was clear it was pre-product market fit
NFTs changed that

You don’t buy a CryptoPunk because it’s on Ethereum

When you talk about applications instead of the tech, you’re at the beginning of consumerization
eg, Dolce Gabbana at an NFT conference!

NFTs = generic carriers for intangible assets

Many things you can do with NFTs that you can’t do with crypto, eg, personal IDs
Big companies are using NFTs, but not bitcoin / ethereum

NFTs are infinitely expressive

Metaverse is just the internet, it’s not gonna be one website
Right now you’re 2 inches tall on my laptop, but in the future you’ll be full size – visualization will improve
You’ll need persistent digital objects — NFTs!

You can survive without Twitter, but not really without email
Politicians can’t ban email — it’s a protocol
Architecture of web 1 was open, inter-operable, came out of academia (eg, email, websites)
Architecture of web 2 came out of Silicon Valley, should have been protocols but was captured by large companies

Metaverse will be your all encompassing ambient digital environment

We have moment in time, next 2-3 years – while others think this tech is a joke – we have opportunity to win a technology shift
Twitter was thought as a joke, a curiosity – 11 years later, huge debate about how POTUS uses it

BTC won’t displace state money – state has tremendously powerful tools
ETH won’t be global computing platform – it’s AWS

You can make NFTs as first amendment protected speech – there will be a Supreme Court case on first amendment grounds

NFTs are
—first mainstream crypto consumer app
—possible to get large companies using and integrating
—less threatening to the state

Intangibles on corporate balance sheets are $70T dollars – far more than gold – and many more intangibles that aren’t on balance sheets at all

NFTs can carry any arbitrary intangible on the internet

“Yes We Can” and “Make America Great” are examples of intangibles that bind humans – memes – intersubjective realities and myths

It’s the underlying fabric of society – and now we can make it composable on the internet