Random facts — things I learned (Dec 15 2023) — “Markets have excellent social scalability; they are the original distributed systems”

Markets have excellent social scalability; they are the original distributed systems, around long before anybody thought to coin that expression. (source)

On the Birth of a Son
Families when a child is born
Hope it will turn out intelligent.
I, through intelligence
Having wrecked my whole life,
Only hope that the baby will prove
Ignorant and stupid.
Then he’ll be happy all his days
And grow into a cabinet minister.

Action is a high road to self confidence and esteem. Where it is open, all energies flow toward it. It comes readily to most people, and its rewards are tangible – Bruce Lee

Cool find — list of scifi ideas organized by authors and books, mentioned on the My First Million pod:

Set a “No-Internet” Day Once a Week – This has been a game-changer for me. On Wednesdays, I don’t allow myself to go on the Internet until 5pm. This means no social media, no email, no news, no nothing. – Ali Abdaal

We fear too much success is abandoning our roots and will leave us alone.
Think: Why do so many celebs have an “entourage?”
The unconscious thing your brain says:
“I cannot expand to my full success because it would cause me to end up all alone, be disloyal to my roots and leave behind people from my past”
-Jesse Pujji

If you believe that the demands of the situation exceed your resources, you will have a threat response. But if you believe you have the resources to succeed, you will have a challenge response. – reading Kelly McGonigal’s GREAT book about the utility of stress

Elon is already more powerful than many heads of state. It’s not hyperbole. The constellation of assets Elon’s amassed represent real societal and resource power. This man has systematically gained command over numerous critical industries in human transportation, communication, space travel, and technology – BacktheBunny

the difference I guess between the guys who are able to be biggest Champions and the ones that are struggling to get to the highest level is the ability to not stay in those emotions for too long so for me it’s relatively short so as soon as I experience it I acknowledge it I maybe you know burst I scream on the court whatever happens but then I’m able to bounce back and reset – Djoker

There is a connection between freedom and self-confidence: When you are kept from expressing your deepest needs and wishes, you lose trust in their validity and in your own judgment. You survive by finding out the rules and following them, thus hiding what you really want. You make it your purpose in life to please others rather than to affirm yourself. – David Richo, How to Be an Adult in Relationships

I’ll tell you how we’re wrong enough to be forgiven. How one night, after
mother, then taking a chainsaw to the kitchen table, my father went to kneel
in the bathroom until we heard his muffled cries through the walls.
And so I learned that a man, in climax, was the closest thing
to surrender
-Ocean Vuong

Kong: I turned down all performance opportunities and avoided meeting anyone. To prevent friends from locating me, I changed my mobile phone number 21 times. During the darkest three months, my mother would leave my meals on a chair outside my door. When my daughter returned from the United States to visit me, all I could do was look at her through the peephole.
Kong: [Laughs] It’s true. Back when I was learning the piano, I felt like many of my classmates, such as Xu Zhong, Wang Jian, and Qian Zhou, had more inherent talent. I relied on relentless practice, often putting in 15 to 16 hours a day. Even after becoming a professional pianist, I needed constant practice to keep my confidence up

while a magazine might project a kind of bulletproof perfection–every story the product of an assiduous and painstaking reporting, editing, and fact-checking process–in practice nearly every story you read is an improvised and often deeply unsatisfying last-minute compromise between the publisher, the top editors, the story editor, the fact-checkers, the copy-editors, the art department, and the writer
Something that’s often underrated by people who haven’t worked as journalists is the extent to which newspapers and magazines (and cable channels, etc.) are institutions like any other–which is to say riven with contradiction and internal tension, populated by cross-pressured workers and managers with competing desires and incentives
from Read Max

Great infographic on DEPIN landscape

Selfish people are incapable of loving others, but they’re incapable of loving themselves too

I think we just can’t help the instinct to give meaning to things we don’t understand — Scavenger’s Reign

But today, people are actively deleting content they have created. It is now considered best practice in some circles to automatically delete twitter comments, old reddit comments and to privatize Facebook posts (or even simply delete Facebook). And when they create new content online, it is more often in places where the masses cannot see it.

Nietzsche: Compassion is a psyop designed by the weak to redirect resources from the most deserving to the least.
Napoleon: Logic will lose you wars because sometimes the moment demands imaginative maneuvers that work because they are irrational
Chateaubriand: Beauty is useless if you care for efficiency, but shockingly useful if you care for lovability. Yes, beauty is a wasteful luxury but ultimately the only thing people will protect, and make pilgrimages to.
John Fowles: High IQ is a terrifying gift. The ability to predict the consequences of any action means your will gets lost in a labyrinth of hypotheses. Rule 1: Do not lose the will
from @oldbooksguy

On a journey, ill;
my dream goes wandering
over withered fields.

China has focused on battery-powered electric vehicles. Even after consolidation in the sector, over a hundred firms still produce such cars. A few brands are world-class. Most are cheaper than Western rivals. Chinese firms became dominant through a mixture of subsidies and coercive transfers of foreign technologies, but also hard work and foresight, as they leap-frogged slow-to-change foreign firms

Manny Pacquiao on the power of volume, leading up to a fight he’d spar 36 rounds in a day, every day (!) — so he wasn’t tired at all in a regular 12 round fight: https://www.instagram.com/reel/CzeHP6itCK7/

During a threat response, your emotions will likely include fear, anger, self-doubt, or shame. Because your primary goal is to protect yourself, you become more vigilant to signs that things are going poorly. This can create a vicious cycle in which your heightened attention to what’s going wrong makes you even more fearful and self-doubting.

the brain suffers from severe limitations. We use its massive parallelism (one hundred trillion interneuronal connections operating simultaneously) to quickly recognize subtle patterns. But our thinking is extremely slow: the basic neural transactions are several million times slower than contemporary electronic circuits.

If you wonder what will remain unequivocally human in such a world, it’s simply this quality: ours is the species that inherently seeks to extend its physical and mental reach beyond current limitations. – Kurzweil

Thoreau goodies:
-Public opinion is a weak tyrant compared with our own private opinion. What a man thinks of himself, that it is which determines, or rather indicates, his fate.
-For what are the classics but the noblest recorded thoughts of man?
-But labor of the hands, even when pursued to the verge of drudgery, is perhaps never the worst form of idleness.

In their zeal to attack believers whose frailties have led them to embrace the supernatural, atheists may neglect the frailty that is an inevitable feature of all our lives. – de Botton

Let me Google how to suffer. That ain’t gonna be in there – David Goggins

Diabetes, glioma, chronic pain, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, dementia, and H pylori bottom out around 1 drink per day. Cardiovascular disease bottoms out around 2 drinks per day. Erectile dysfunction stays lowered at up to 3 drinks per day. Depression bottoms out at 0.7 drinks per day.

Be generous with your time and your resources and with giving credit and, especially, with your words. […] To understand and be understood, those are among life’s greatest gifts, and every interaction is an opportunity to exchange them

When a supernova explodes, the blast wave creates high-energy particles that scatter in every direction; scientists believe there is a minute chance that one of the errant particles, known as a cosmic ray, can hit a computer chip on Earth, flipping a 0 to a 1. The world’s most robust computer systems, at NASA, financial firms, and the like, used special hardware that could tolerate single bit-flips

official education motto of South Korea
To broadly benefit the human world

Sizzling Sunlight: Bask in both morning and evening sunlight. Even if it’s cloudy and cold. It’s not just about Vitamin D; it’s about regulating your natural circadian hythms

And if you avoided everyone who treated you unfairly at some point, you’d probably just be alone. You’d better hope they give you the benefit of the doubt for your mistakes, too

I can’t predict the future. But I can spot investor over-reactions. – Ram Ahluwahlia

They weren’t trying to be safe. They were trying to become competent—and it’s competence that makes people as safe as they can truly be. – Jordan Peterson

Make that phone call you’ve been putting off
Push through when you feel like quitting
Have that uncomfortable conversation
Introduce yourself to that cute guy/girl
Check out that church or faith group
Ask for that promotion or raise
Apply for that new job
Sign up for that class
Start that side hustle
Post that tweet
Take that trip
The world belongs to the bold. Be a seeker, open to change and opportunity.
And most importantly…
Shoot your shot.

Random facts — things I learned (Dec 7 2023) — “The spirit of the individual is determined by his dominating thought habits”

“When 120 of Cornelius Vanderbilt’s descendants gathered at Vanderbilt University in 1973 for the first family reunion, there was not a millionaire among them.”

Repeat after me: Your rent is the maximum you’ll pay. Your mortgage is the minimum you’ll pay. – Ramit Sethi

Bitcoin: scarcer than gold, faster than fiat – Lyn Alden

Humans are both master and slave to the technium, and our fate is to remain in this uncomfortable dual role. Therefore, we will always be conflicted about technology and find making our choices difficult. – Kevin Kelley

The spirit of the individual is determined by his dominating thought habits

There are 3 Greek gods of dreams (Oneiroi):
Phobetor was thought to be the bringer of nightmares, and had the ability to appear as animals or monsters; Phantasos was believed to bring surreal and strange dreams, and was able to appear as inanimate objects, such as stones or wood. In contrast to his two siblings, Morpheus brought messages and prophesies from the gods to mortals through the medium of dreams.

What, then, is the Singularity? It’s a future period during which the pace of technological change will be so rapid, its impact so deep, that human life will be irreversibly transformed. – Ray Kurzweil

One often reads predictions of the next several decades discussing a variety of demographic, economic, and political trends that largely ignore the revolutionary impact of machines with their own opinions and agendas. – Ray Kurzweil

Discipline is the strongest form of self-love.
*It means choosing what you want later over what you want now.*
Discipline shows how committed you are to your dreams, even on tough days.
Discipline is honoring the covenant you have with yourself. That’s your personal integrity.
Your future self depends on your current self to keep promises made yesterday.
-Ram Ahluwahlia

6/ “highly individualistic, self-obsessed, control-oriented, nonconformist, and analytical.”
👉🏻Culture, independent of the biological evolutionary process, does “alter our brains, hormones, and anatomy, along with our perceptions, motivations, personalities, emotions, and many
-Jim O’Shaughnessy

The researchers, Robert J. Jackson Jr. of the New York University School of law and Prof. Joshua Mitts of Columbia Law School, found a sharp and significant rise in short sales of ETFs that track Israeli companies in the days preceding the attack

The desire to avoid feeling anxious overtakes other goals. In the worst cases, people organize their lives around avoiding anything that provokes anxiety. And while they hope that this will make them feel safe, it tends to have the opposite effect.
I know this well with weed

The principles of operation of software advances such as speech recognition can be written in just a few pages of formulas. Often a key advance is a matter of applying a small change to a single formula. The same observation holds for the “inventions” of biological evolution: consider that the genetic difference between chimpanzees and humans, for example, is only a few hundred thousand bytes of information.

“In January 2012, I beat Nadal in the finals of the Australian Open. The match lasted five hours and fifty-three minutes. Many commentators have called that match the single greatest tennis match of all time. After I won, I sat in the locker room in Melbourne. I wanted one thing: to taste chocolate. I hadn’t tasted it since the summer of 2010. Miljan brought me a candy bar. I broke off one square—one tiny square—and popped it into my mouth, let it melt on my tongue. That was all I would allow myself. That is what it has taken to get to number one.” – Djokovic

Don’t be in a hurry to “fix” things; rather, enrich your understanding in the evergoing process of discovery and finding more the cause of your ignorance – Bruce Lee

In any bond of depth and significance, forgive, forgive, forgive. And then forgive again – Maria Popova

When some part of a doctrine is relatively simple, there is a tendency among the faithful to complicate and obscure it. Simple words are made pregnant with meaning and made to look like symbols in a secret message. There is thus an illiterate air about the most literate true believer. – Eric Hoffer

“Life tastes better when you’re chugging” – Ricky (and Morty)

Jacobs: He gets the value of improvisation. “In jazz, if you hit a wrong note, there’s no such thing as a wrong note. That’s the note, that’s the reality. You radically accept that, and you build on it,” he riffs. “Music is really business. …You have to be using all of your senses at the same time, and you have to be dancing with the circumstances and evolving.”

Here’s a different interpretation: a politically connected billionaire on the verge of losing his shirt called a government official—one who used to be the CEO of the company he now owned a chunk of—and convinced him to use taxpayer funds to prop up the stock market, particularly his stocks. – on Charlie Munger

In the aftermath of the moon landing, approval for that specific mission didn’t meaningfully budge. 47% said it was worth it a decade later, in 1979 and it would take 20 years for amnesia to set it and this number to reach 77% in 1989. Meanwhile opposition to further moon missions remained higher than support for one until at least the mid-1990s

he’d been exposed to the often forgotten history of technological pessimism as an under-graduate at Columbia University. This experience lead to an epiphany which he eloquently recalled:
“I discovered, to my amazement, that all through history there had been resistance…and bitter, exaggerated, last-stitch resistance…to every significant technological change that had taken place on earth.

they found that the more seasoned jumpers weren’t calmer than those about to take their first leap. Instead, the experienced skydivers showed even higher heart rates before and during the jump. The more pumped they were to take the dive, the bigger their excite-and-delight response. When you need to take a leap and want to do well, don’t worry about forcing yourself to relax. Instead, embrace the nerves, tell yourself you’re excited, and know that your heart is in it. – Kelly McGonigal’s amazing book on stress

By emphasizing the importance of reducing stress before an exam, his advice only further confirmed what students feared: Anxiety was a sign that they would do poorly. If you want to help people better cope with anxiety, a more useful strategy might be to simply tell them that you think they can handle it. Studies show that when people are told, “You’re the kind of person whose performance improves under pressure,” their actual performance improves by 33 percent. – more Kelly

How do you expect to manifest what you want if you’re afraid to openly broadcast that you want it?
If you can’t broadcast your desires, it’s fair to say you don’t own them yet. How can your desires become real if you can’t speak up about them? If you’re going to receive them, then let it be known. If you find it necessary to hide what you desire, that suggests you aren’t ready to receive. – Steve Pavlina

Why write in public? “The ability for smart, useful observations to get into the hands of people with fewer ideas but lots of capital has never been better. You can build both a reputation and balance sheet this way.” – Ramit Sethi

A lot of visible problems that you can’t seem to solve are secretly solutions you don’t want to admit to adopting to problems you don’t want to admit to having. – a mensch on Twitter

However, the pain of sitting for weeks at a time, distilling all of that knowledge into a series of 6, concise essays, was a stark reminder that feeling that you know something, and writing it down, are two vastly different things, by many orders of magnitude

The most profound technologies are those that disappear. They weave themselves into the fabric of everyday life until they are indistinguishable from it. – Mark Weiser

And what I’ve discovered is that from a broad perspective, people are basically the same. Everyone spends most of their time worrying about food, money, their job and their family — even people who are rich and well fed. Everyone wants to look cool and feel important — even people who are already cool and important. Everyone is proud of where they come from. Everyone has insecurities and anxieties that plague them, regardless of how successful they are. Everybody is afraid of failure and looking stupid. Everyone loves their friends and family yet also gets the most irritated by them. – Mark Manson

Factory Meat: “The goal of feed-lot animals is to blow them up fast and quickly with cheap food. That’s what we are doing to our people, too.” – Will Harris

The reaction to Fukushima was completely overblown: it is debated whether zero people or one person died from any sort of radiation at Fukushima

Our model of what’s important in SEO has been wrong for a long time. We thought content was the basis, backlinks the middle layer and user signals sprinkled on top. It turns out user signals were the basis, with a middle layer of backlinks and content understanding sprinkled on top

Jensen Huang

If you want to be successful I would encourage you to grow a tolerance for failure
But the thing about failure is this: if you fail often enough, you actually might become a failure, and that’s different from being successful
So the question is how do you teach someone how to fail, but fail quickly — and to change courses as soon as you know it’s a dead end
And the way to do that is we call it intellectual honesty — we assess on a continuous basis whether something makes sense or not. And if it’s the wrong decision, let’s change our mind

Biggest regrets I have are almost exclusively things I did *not* do. — Sam, 47

Diversify into what?

David wrote this essay in early 2021, at the height of Bitcoin’s last bull market, and I think the insights are even more valuable now as we enter the early innings of Bitcoin’s current bull market:

The second unfortunate realization I have come to is that Bitcoin is (or soon will be) just about the only investable asset on the planet for the foreseeable future. This may sound like a preposterous statement, but it isn’t. Believe me, I have looked high and low for viable alternatives in order to diversify my portfolio and there simply aren’t any at the moment

And he shares this chart:

Screenshot 2023 12 04 At 09.22.24

Fiat currencies — pretty clear that global inflation will continue to be a problem for the next 5-10 years (and I can’t help you if you believe the mind-virus that is “2% inflation is good for the economy”)

Of the above, other than Bitcoin, I tend to think stocks will do ok, and probably real estate because civilization would collapse if peoples’ home values fell in half. People start marching and burning things when that happens. So that, and bank collapses, are what governments will do anything to prevent (witness China now, and US after 2008).

Recommended TV and movies – November – Peaky Blinders S5, Blue Eye Samurai

Trying to track my media consumption like I track books; sharing a few I thought were exceptional:

Peaky Blinders season 5 – finally caught up on this after hearing relatives were watching it; love everything Cillian Murphy’s in, and though I think Anya Taylor Joy is over-exposed, can’t really blame her generation’s Meryl Streep

Blue Eye Samurai – incredible example of Western anime, already wrote about it

White Boy Rick – thought it would be a McConaughey acting exhibition, but was instead a look at criminal justice innards and a surprising nuanced performance from Richie Merritt

Predators – a regular rewatch, my favorite in the Predator series, and a stacked cast (Adrien Brody, Alice Braga, Topher Grace, Danny Trejo, Laurence Fishburne, it’s like a more diverse Expendables with a much scarier antagonist)