Podcast notes – Peter Zeihan on global order and geopolitics (talk at Fort Benning)

After WW2, America used its Navy to keep global trade and shipping lanes open
Bribed our alliance to fight the Cold War – but Cold War ended 30 years ago

Americans are now done with this arrangement

Population structure was mostly a pyramid in past – more kids, less parents, fewer grandparents
On farms, kids are free labor
In town, kids are expensive pieces of furniture

China today – fastest aging society in human history – result of One Child Policy
By 2100, will have <50% of today’s population


China imports 80% of oil needs – world’s most exposed trade route since most of it comes from Persian Gulf
China utterly dependent on US-maintained global order for these shipping guarantees

Xi has consolidated power even more than Mao
“No one wants to tell him bad news”
China vaccines don’t work against Covid – can’t move away from zero-Covid policy bc healthcare impacts would be crushing

World’s oil and gas investment is only half of what it was 10 years ago
Takes 3-8 years to develop at its fastest
Soonest energy inflation fixes itself is 2025
US blessed with lots of domestic shale – largely fixed our natural gas problems

Lots of land that isn’t habitable yet can’t be easily defended
Lost control of many access points / invasion points that were controlled under the USSR
Only way Russia can protect its borders is to expand
Time’s not on Russia’s side – like China, a severe demographics problem (not enough children and young people)
Russia only has 2M troops – they’re irreplaceable, no more reserves

Over 5 decades, agricultural output increased by 5x
But heavily reliant on global inputs of eg, potash and other chemicals

Expects many wars of collapse as America withdraws from maintaining global order

One of healthiest demographies in the world
Mexico in 2060 will look approximately like US today
Exports 77% of all goods to the US – critical bilateral relationship
El Chapo ran a Korean-style conglomerate – many regional commanders that he loosely controls
He saw it as business, not warfare – once he was removed, violence increased (Sinaloa), multiple leaders
Sinaloa is largest crime group in the US today, and risk of it getting worse
Geographically similar to Afghanistan – rugged terrain, unsecurable border – may need similar tools to manage it

2×2 – economic conservative v liberal, social conservative v liberal
Military doesn’t participate in the domestic political conversation
“Greatest period of change we’ll experience in our lives”


After the Civil War, the US was split, focused domestically on re-integration, didn’t have time for diplomacy / foreign affairs
Dollar diplomacy arose – individual business interests went around the world and did what they wanted
Resulted in hemispheric chaos, led to China’s fall to Communism

Economics is an outgrowth of demography and geography (probably his core thesis)

Han (Chinese) have been around for 3K years, but only been united for 10% of it
Didn’t worry about Taiwan war until recently – but if everything else is collapsing, something to be said about choosing time/place for fight and controlling the narrative (from Xi’s perspective) – considers it 1/3 chance

If China falls:
-N China plain would be its own political entity
-City states from Shanghai to HK will integrate into extra national system / external alliances

China – sex imbalance of 5-20%
95m more men <40yo than women – driving population collapse

Bullish on Turkey – still a developing country, but all energy within arm’s reach, good agricultural inputs, good European cooperation, control / easy access to key bodies of water

Russia-Chinese alliance
Not capable of functional cooperation once you remove US’s overarching reach
Only settled border disputes ~10 years ago
Can’t sustain conflict given demography problems

Podcast notes – Peter Zeihan (global geopolitical analyst) – Meb Faber show

Peter Zeihan – geopolitical expert, author of new book “The end of the world is just the beginning” (his 4th book)

Lives in Denver

FIRST THEME: De-globalization – US changed world system after WW2 – used navy to patrol global oceans to enable global trade, IF you let us manage your security policy, “guns for butter”, but now US is pulling back from this

SECOND THEME: De-population – urbanization > fewer kids; baby bust so entrenched that most major economies have shrinking demographics now, passed point of return in 90s-00s; running out of workers, labor shortage

**1980-2015 we were in perfect global moment – Cold War winding down, US protecting oceans, global trade growing
But now heading into a fundamentally new – and more uncertain and chaotic – age because of the above 2 themes

Most models of economic growth were based on rising population – but that’s no longer a reality for most countries

**British took 7 generations to modernize, US took 5, China took just 1 – because each learns from the prior

But China also condensed all that economic activity and growth into one demographic generation too – precipitous decline in birthrates
Beijing and Shanghai have lowest birth rates of any urban center in all of human history

Developed world:
US, New Zealand, France have relatively good demographics
China, Japan, Russia have bad demographics

Developing world:
**Argentina, Mexico have good demographics

Once you urbanize, child-raising costs are very high, hard to subsidize this
-Russia tried in 2000s to give cash prizes to every woman with 2nd, 3rd child – but a lot of women would have children and then leave them at the orphanage, now millions of orphaned kids
-Swedes gave 6 months paid leave per baby, but it led to no employer willing to hire women under 35yo

Chairman Xi has stronger cult of personality than Mao
No advisor wants to provide him any information now, too afraid
Putin lied to Xi about Ukraine, none of Xi’s advisors were willing to tell him the truth, and Xi was surprised by Russia’s subsequent invasion
Xi has removed all future government leadership talent because of purges and extreme control
China is preparing for future where economic growth isn’t basis for legitimacy, but rather nationalism – you can eat as long as you’re loyal to party
Covid lockdowns because the homegrown vaccine doesn’t really work
Shut off phosphate exports – because of internal concerns about food security (Russia stopped potash exports, both are key fertilizers)
“This is a national collapse issue, not a recession issue”

How to reduce these risks as a nation-state
-increase diversity of suppliers
-**shift from “just in time” to “just in case”

Global food shortage going to begin Q4 of this year
-already too late for this year’s crop yields
-so tightly integrated / mutually dependent that when you have break in one link, the chain breaks

**Peter believes we’ll lose 1B people because of de-globalization and ongoing food shortages

Ukraine is just one step in many for Russian expansion to ensure its own geopolitical survival
Russia has failed tactically in war – will lose if they face US armed forces – which leaves nukes as only remaining option
Must kill Russian military entirely in Ukraine – otherwise Russia will eventually invade NATO countries and force US into war
Russia has more guns, tanks, people – will eventually rollover Ukraine if Ukraine + allies can’t win by summer

Germans are trying to figure out how to live without Russian energy supplies, seems only nuclear power will enable that in a short time frame

For China to invade Taiwan, scale of casualties will be 5x greater than Russia invading Ukraine (because water = moat)
China actually doing less business with Russia since Ukraine invasion started
China would be more hurt by sanctions (than Russia) if they did invade Taiwan

Most non-consensus belief:
Peter believes inflation today is high, but it will actually be the LOWEST it’ll be for the next 5 years (!)

What he’s changed his mind about:
Shale revolution has become a lot more economically viable than he thought, even though he was initially more optimistic than most

Why Russian ruble is doing well even after invasion?
Government forced every Russian exporter to put 80% of earnings back into ruble – helping stabilize the ruble
Spending all of their foreign currency to strengthen the ruble
“Starvation diet in the long run”

What countries will do well in this new world?

France – see EU as political project not economic one – if EU suffers breakdown, France never fully integrated their economy (as much as say Germany), won’t suffer as much if EU ends

Argentina – second best geography after US, self sufficient in most energy and all food needs
Despite disastrous domestic management, they’ve muddled along, and they’re used to disorder, will do fine in this more disordered global system
WW1 – Argentina was 4th richest country in the world

Where does Peter get his info?
Local news sources have best info on what’s going on, but very time consuming
Among world media sources, Al-Jazeera global news is very good (Mideast news is very biased)

Favorite highlights from Disunited Nations by Peter Zeihan

Disunited Nations is my second Peter Zeihan book. The first was Absent Superpower. I also shared favorite highlights from that one; there was so much information and nuance that I reached Kindle’s limit on same-book highlights.

All highlights below are copied verbatim from the Kindle version:

Near the end of the Imperial Age in 1920, there were about fifty countries. As of 2020, the count is over two hundred. Remove the Order and what has enabled many of these countries to form, survive—even thrive—will fade away.

Dozens of assets contribute to national survival and power, but these are the big four:
-Viable home territories, with usable lands and defensible borders
-A reliable food supply
-A sustainable population structure
-Access to a stable mix of energy inputs to participate in modern life

There can be a darker side too. If it’s easy to move goods and people and ideas, it’s also easy to move troops. Cultural merging, or assimilation, is not the only way to “unify” a territory. Hunting down dissident and minority groups is more straightforward. Again, the American Midwest is a premier example. The Native Americans never had a chance. Similar unification-via-obliteration unfolded in most of the world’s countries with flatlands, most notably in the North China Plain, the Northern European Plain, and the vast open spaces of North Africa and the Middle East.

Many make light of what it means for the Chinese population to have an extra 41 million men under age forty who will never marry. The two most common concerns are how unmoored males might threaten social stability (legitimate) and how the Chinese government might be willing to throw a few million extra men into a military meat grinder just to get rid of them

Women are now more likely to live in cramped, coastal, urban quarters where they hold upwardly mobile white-collar or light manufacturing jobs their entire careers, while men are more likely either to live in different provinces in the poor interior or to work as undocumented migrants in China’s economic underbelly.

About the only thing that encourages people to have more kids is for people to have more space. That’s why Germany did have a baby boomlet during a period they understandably don’t enjoy discussing: the Lebensraum era of the late 1930s, when Germany was busy annexing its neighbors and getting physically bigger.

As Hastings Ismay, NATO’s first secretary general, so famously put it, the alliance’s raison d’être was “to keep the Americans in, the Russians out, and the Germans down.”

Europe now faces simultaneous, interlocking crises: currency, finance, banking, monetary policy, supply chains, inequality, migration, oil, natural gas, electricity, demographics, consumption, exports, imports, Libya, Syria, Turkey, Russia. (Perhaps even America?) It gets worse: Any response requires that all European states agree on how to prioritize and address each problem.

A cohesive French identity as early as the fifth century, a full half millennium before the English and twice that before the German. From the French core in the Beauce,

The longest, most successful, and least bad-blood-ridden foreign relationship the Americans have ever had with anyone has been with the French.

Fourth, for the four new regional powers—Turkey, Iran, Japan, and Argentina—allaying American concerns and courting American goodwill will be essential to long-term success.

The Absent Superpower by Peter Zeihan (31 highlights)

For context, I highlighted so much of the book that Kindle stopped storing my highlights, so I could only share a subset below.

The book – and his other writings, he’s quite prolific – is well worth reading if you’re into geopolitics and global trade. At the very least it’ll challenge some of your assumptions and viewpoints.

A small selection of highlights below:

  • Americans are panic-prone. Every country has a series of early experiences that shape the national mindset. For the Americans it was century-long pioneer era: for the cost of a used car in today’s dollars, Americans could Conestoga the family out to the Midwest, break ground, and within six months be exporting grain for hard currency. It was the greatest cultural and economic expansion in human history, and it taught Americans that things will get better every single year.
  • Kids […] don’t factor economically in the modern age. They used to serve as free labor on farms, but once most populations relocated into urban environments children essentially transformed into luxury goods. Think of them as more expensive Shih Tzus.
  • As the American economy evolves into a dynamic, service-oriented system, as careers give way to jobs, jobs give way to part-time work, and as part-time work gives way to hobbies that happen to generate income, the Yers are actually fairly well-prepared socially, politically, and psychologically for the new era.
  • GenX is roughly one-fifth smaller than the Boomers —considering that GenX is younger, they should be one-quarter bigger —an imbalance so extreme that GenX will not outnumber the Boomers until most of the Xers are in their sixties.
  • Like most Americans I wasn’t really sure why the Americans had walked away from the Cold War without so much as the memory of a limp while Russia was a dismembered mess. Even today Americans flinch more visibly when they think of Vietnam than they do when they think of Russia, a country that still possesses the nuclear wherewithal to end American existence.
  • the vast swathes of internal Chinese territories are physically isolated and thus painfully poor. Adding political complications to the mix, most of China’s minority groups live in the interior and most of them are not exactly thrilled to be living in the People’s Republic. The interior is home to the remaining 600 million Chinese.
  • China has a local fuel—brown coal—and has it in abundance. Consequently, in most of the past 20 years, China has added more coal-burning capacity than most of the rest of the world combined despite lip service to international climate goals and rising domestic dissatisfaction with pollution levels.
  • NAFTA may have its faults, but its economic success in Mexico has made net Mexican migration to the U.S. negative for a decade because it gives Mexicans jobs. Smash the agreements that employ Mexicans, and two results among many will be vast increases in drug flows and illegal migration as Mexicans find it harder to find a 9-to-5.
  • In about a decade, instead of living in a world where the Americans are the most powerful force for global stability, they are likely to be the most powerful force for global instability.
  • Canada knows the United States intimately, while the United States barely registers what’s going on north of its border. (The only country that even comes close to studying the United States as intently is Israel)
  • Canada’s riven geography means every Canadian province trades more with the United States than with the rest of Canada
  • Chinese People universally despise North Korea, and would drop NK in a moment if Beijing would simply give it more than a second thought.   However, the fear China uses again and again is simple;  Let North Korea fall and refugees will flood across.  Ok. Fair enough.  However, the unspoken fear is that American combat divisions will simply race up to the border and dig in
  • With their rich cultural history, the Iranians consider themselves not only the natural leaders of the region, but also the peak of the human experience. In contrast, the Saudis are a Bedouin family that just happened to cut a deal with the British at the right time and have yet to celebrate their centenary celebration. Yet they command the world’s largest oil industry, wield power that is global in scope, and are the custodians of the Holy Cities.
  • Desert life is hard, and maintaining a social structure in the desert is harder still. One of the many ways in which the Saud clan coped was the adoption of an ultra-strict version of Islam, which glorified combat and tightly regulated personal freedoms. Locals call it Salafist Islam while many outsiders know it as Wahhabism, referring to the movement’s founder, one Sheikh Ibn Abdul Wahhab.
  • Unsurprisingly, Japan now suffers under the economic weight of supporting the world’s oldest population: Japanese labor costs—the highest in Asia and among the highest in the world—nudge up a bit higher every year and the country now purchases more diapers for adults than for children. Combined, these intermingled crises have manifested as seven recessions in under 25 years.
  • The Indian geography is a complex one, riddled with river valleys, deserts, plains, mountains, hills, swamp, and a mix of coastline styles. But one feature always stands out: the Ganges Basin. Set in the oddity of a temperate zone that knows no true winter, the plain’s outstanding fertility and multiple potential growing seasons generates the largest volume of calories per acre per year of anywhere in the world. However, the Ganges itself is not navigable. The result is fantastically high rates of population growth, but fantastically low capital generation per capita. Massive populations, but crushing poverty.
  • The United States is a maritime nation. Its most strategically relevant military arm is its Navy. The core of American strategic doctrine has always been about controlling the oceans and using that control to shape global events to its liking.
  • local labor forces are very attractive because they are higher skilled than their price point would suggest—particularly in Vietnam, which boasts that magic mix of modern urban centers like Ho Chi Minh City and rural zones combined with a far-above-global-average educational standards.
  • …the American retrenchment is but one of three massive shifts in the global the order. The second is the rapid greying of the entire global population. Fewer people of working age translates directly into anemic, decaying economies — enervating global trade just as the Americans stop guaranteeing it. Third and finally, the American shale revolution has changed the mechanics — if not yet the mood — of how the Americans interact with the energy sector.
  • The end of American dependence upon extra-continental energy sources does more than sever the largest of the remaining ties that bind America’s fate to the wider world, it sets into motion a veritable cavalcade of trends: the re-industrialization of the United States, the accelerated breakdown of the global order, and a series of wide-ranging military conflicts that will shape the next two decades.
  • Without petroleum there would not be a meaningful agricultural industry — and in that I mean everything from the growing of crops to the harvesting of crops to the transport of foodstuffs from farm to table.
  • In 1920 Congress passed the Jones Act, which barred any ship from plying the American waterways that was not American-built, American-owned, American-captained, and American-crewed.
  • The American system, with the Greater Midwest and Mississippi network at its core, is not only the richest piece of territory in the world, it also is the single-most secure.
  • You can lay most of the financial bubbles (and busts) of the past two decades at the Boomers’ feet — everything from dot-com to Enron to subprime to Brazil, Russia, India, and China — all were only possible because the Boomers were ignoring risk in the quest for that extra 1% of yield.
  • The Japanese economic breakdown of 1990 wasn’t demographic in origin, but Japan has since aged past the point that it will again be a consumption-led economy. Ever.
  • As soon as 2022, Germany, Belgium, Greece, Austria, and Italy will not be past just the point of not just demographic recovery — they and more have already crossed that threshold — but financial and economic recovery as well.
  • Japan, Korea, and Taiwan has never covered more than a tiny percentage (typically less than 1%) of their energy needs.
  • Since the 1990s television power demand is down by 35% despite massive increases in quality and size. Dishwashers use 40% less electricity, air conditioners 50% less, refrigerators 60%.
  • …it isn’t just the United States that is dipping into nativism. Japan is amending its constitution to make it easier to bomb people. China is crowning a new Mao. Britain voted itself out of the European Union. The Turkish president’s leadership makes Donald Trump seem shy by comparison, Poland’s government exudes the worst characteristics of Pope Innocent III and Kanye.
  • Russian security only comes from conquering everyone nearby in order to establish buffers around the Russian core.
  • the Russians often have to find ways to motivate their conquered populations — or more to the point, to intimidate their subjects into accepting the role the Russians demand of them. The Russians do this with a deep, intrusive, and cruel intelligence service. Under Lenin it was the Cheka, under Stalin the NVBD, and Brezhnev the KGB, after the Cold War the FSB, and now it’s the FSB backed up with the social-monitoring techniques Edward Snowden brought with him from the American NSA.