Random facts – things I learned (Feb 23 2024) – “Paleolithic man had to walk five to ten miles on an average day, just to be able to eat.”


For example, patents generally have a 20-year horizon before expiry. Trademarks last for 10 years, can be renewed, and don’t have an automatic expiry. Copyright, on the other hand, has evolving regulation that ensures the holder retains the IP for 70+ years.

Paleolithic man had to walk five to ten miles on an average day, just to be able to eat.

This is the true joy in life, being used for a purpose recognized by yourself as a mighty one. Being a force of nature instead of a feverish, selfish little clod of ailments and grievances, complaining that the world will not devote itself to making you happy. I am of the opinion that my life belongs to the whole community and as long as I live, it is my privilege to do for it what I can – George Bernard Shaw

Generalized trust” or “meta-trust” is “trust that whatever issues might arise between us, we can talk about things in a way that is workable for both of us and leads to issues getting resolved to our mutual satisfaction in good time.”

The more complex the movements, the more complex the synaptic connections. And even though these circuits are created through movement, they can be recruited by other areas and used for thinking. This is why learning how to play the piano makes it easier for kids to learn math.

Loving one person is really an opportunity to learn to love all people.

They buried the lede on this new study. It’s not that exercise beats out SSRIs for depression treatment, but that *just* dancing has the largest effect of *any treatment* for depression. That’s kind of beautiful.

I had written the book for Dad. I hadn’t known, but that was how it was. I had written it for him. I put down the manuscript and got to my feet, walked to the window. Did he really mean so much to me? Oh, yes, he did. I wanted him to see me. The first time I had realized what I was writing really was something, not just me wanting to be someone, or pretending to be, was when I wrote a passage about Dad and started crying while I was writing. I had never done that before, never even been close. I wrote about Dad and the tears were streaming down my cheeks, I could barely see the keyboard or the screen, I just hammered away. Of the existence of the grief inside me that had been released at that moment, I had known nothing; I had not had an inkling

Bitcoin is punk rock. You don’t get it? Fuck you we don’t care. We’re having a party — Peter McCormack

Sixty-seven percent of the prime ministers in her sample lost a parent before the age of sixteen. That’s roughly twice the rate of parental loss during the same period for members of the British upper class—the socioeconomic segment from which most prime ministers came. The same pattern can be found among American presidents. Twelve of the first forty-four U.S. presidents—beginning with George Washington and going all the way up to Barack Obama—lost their fathers while they were young.

Seinfeld: I’m never not working on material. Every second of my existence, I’m thinking, could I do something with that?
Howard Stern: That, to me, sounds torturous.
Seinfeld: Your blessing in life is when you find the torture you’re comfortable with

Now you know how exercise improves learning on three levels: first, it optimizes your mind-set to improve alertness, attention, and motivation; second, it prepares and encourages nerve cells to bind to one another, which is the cellular basis for logging in new information; and third, it spurs the development of new nerve cells from stem cells in the hippocampus.

The direction for improvement is clear: seek detail you would not normally notice about the world. When you go for a walk, notice the unexpected detail in a flower or what the seams in the road imply about how the road was built. When you talk to someone who is smart but just seems so wrong, figure out what details seem important to them and why. In your work, notice how that meeting actually wouldn’t have accomplished much if Sarah hadn’t pointed out that one thing. As you learn, notice which details actually change how you think.

From an app’s perspective, blockchains offer three key features: consensus, composability, and availability 🧵
1. consensus – solve contentious race conditions
2. composability – access other liquidity and apps
3. availability – data is readily accessible

Supercharger / turbocharger = force more air into engine to go faster

The main reason why these lessons and bits of wisdom are so important to me now is because I had to work hard to learn them. I had to struggle, to fail and to challenge myself over and over again in order to gain a little more understanding about who I am as a person and about the world I live in. And in the end, it is the struggles, the failures, the challenges, as well as the successes, that have shaped who I am and that have led me to try and improve myself as a human being as much as possible.

The one thing that all educational researchers agree about is that teacher quality matters far more than the size of the class. A great teacher can teach your child a year and a half’s material in one year. A below-average teacher might teach your child half a year’s material in one year. That’s a year’s difference in learning, in one year

The passions are the only orators that always persuade: they are, as it were, a natural art, the rules of which are infallible; and the simplest man with passion is more persuasive than the most eloquent without it. – François de La Rochefoucauld

“Optimism. One of the most important qualities of a good leader is optimism, a pragmatic enthusiasm for what can be achieved. Even in the face of difficult choices and less than ideal outcomes, an optimistic leader does not yield to pessimism. Simply put, people are not motivated or energized by pessimists.” 
– Robert Iger

When the customers want your products so badly that you can screw everything up and still succeed. – Don Valentine

It’s important to do things fast
-Going fast makes you focus on what’s important; there’s no time for bullshit
-A week is 2% of the year

There is little difference between obstacle and opportunity. The wise are able to turn both to their advantage – Machiavelli

Machine learning is essentially the automation of “experimental refinement” in software form: we start with an imperfect guess (a model), collect feedback from reality based on how it performs, and then optimize the model’s “parameters” (tunable knobs) to improve the result.

Natural resources are also stocks, and the rates at which we extract from them, and at which they naturally replenish, are flows. This makes the idea of measuring solely the rate of increase (not growth) of consumption (not investment) all the more horrifying because it could well be the irreplaceable destruction of natural resources that is being nominally counted as contributing to economic well-being. This is clearly insane and is the height of high time preference, short-term thinking.

What we do is we get really excited about something and then we start pulling the string and see where it takes us,” Cook told me. “And yes, we’ve got things on the road maps and so forth, and yes, we have a definitive point of view. But a lot of it is also the exploration and figuring out.” He concluded, “Sometimes the dots connect. And they lead you to some place that you didn’t expect

But if you give a fuck about the living, about all your living kin in all the kingdoms, they will give a fuck right back. Maybe not every one of them; maybe not every time. Some people’s bags have been empty for a long while, and they may feel the need to ration whatever they have; some people have been taught that to give a fuck is to lose something, not realizing that to withhold is what it means to lose

In truth, the use of honesty is indeed a power strategy, intended to convince people of one’s noble, good-hearted, selfless character. It is a form of persuasion, even a subtle form of coercion.

From Emergent vs. Transactional Conversations: “When there are little to no emergent conversations in a relationship it’s in serious trouble. This is true for romantic relationships, for friendships, and business relationships… When you want to improve a relationship, make more room for emergent conversations and facilitate them in whatever way you can.”

I was waiting for something extraordinary to happen, but as the years wasted on, nothing ever did unless I caused it.

Create Rites of Passage: “Today, young men don’t know when they become a man.” – Joe Hashey

The Value of Death: When a nation allows for free trade, a shockingly high percentage of the productivity gains come from the worst firms being bankrupted by the free trade

“What are my bigger-than-self goals?” and “How is this an opportunity to serve them?” If you’re struggling to find a bigger-than-self goal, consider spending a few moments reflecting on one or more of these questions: What kind of positive impact do you want to have on the people around you? What mission in life or at work most inspires you? What do you want to contribute to the world? What change do you want to create?

When Meyer and Fu extracted DNA from Tianyuan’s leg bones, they found that only about 0.02 percent of it was from the man himself. The rest came from microbes that had colonized his bones after he died.

the Wozniak Test requires a machine to enter an average American home and figure out how to make coffee: find the coffee machine, find the coffee, add water, find a mug, and brew the coffee by pushing the proper buttons.

Blockchains invert the hardware-software power relationship, like the internet before them. With blockchains, the software governs a network of hardware devices. The software—in all its expressive glory—is in charge.

Bezos shareholder letter:
We hold as axiomatic that customers are perceptive and smart, and that brand image follows reality and not the other way around. Our customers tell us that they choose Amazon.com and tell their friends about us because of the selection, ease of use, low prices, and service that we deliver.

For men, the worst effect of social media is inaction. How is scrolling through Tik-Tok or IG helping you become a better, more effective man? A: It’s not. Additionally, posting a ton is a bad look; remember, at baseline, posting on social media is begging the world for attention. Do top guys beg for attention? No. They get it without asking because who/what they are is worthy of attention

The Muse arrives to us most readily during creation, not before. Homer and Hesiod invoke the Muses not while wondering what to compose, but as they begin to sing. If we are going to call upon inspiration to guide us through, we have to first begin the work.

As a founder/CEO, Type I is likely to lead with mission and vision. Type II is likely to lead with goals and tactics, laser-focused and ends-justify-the-means vibes. On average I think Type I’s are more likely to be good brand representatives of their product, whereas Type II’s should more often let their product be the hero.

The feeling that any task is a nuisance will soon disappear if it is done in mindfulness. Take the example of the Zen masters. No matter what task or motion they undertake, they do it slowly and evenly, without reluctance.

One of Wikipedia’s power users, Justin Knapp, had been submitting an average of 385 edits per day since signing up in 2005 as of 2012. Assuming he doesn’t sleep or eat or anything else (currently my favored prediction), that’s still one edit every four minutes. He hasn’t slowed down either; he hit his one millionth edit after seven years of editing and is nearing his two millionth now at 13 years. This man has been editing a Wikipedia article every four minutes for 13 years

He’s less prominent now, but YouTube power-user Justin Y. had a top comment on pretty much every video you clicked on for like a year. He says he spends 1-3 hours per day commenting on YouTube, finds videos by looking at the statistics section of the site to see which are spiking in popularity, and comments on a lot of videos without watching them

“AI is just in experimentation phase in enterprise right now” – Aaron Levie (comparing this to cloud, which is well into adoption, but still growing rapidly)

The one phrase repeated 365 times in the Bible: “Do not be afraid”.

A key rule of theatre is that the King is never played by the actor playing the King, but by all the other actors around him.

DID YOU KNOW, these everyday things have proper names:
The plastic end of a shoelace = aglet
The smell after rain = petrichor
The gap between eyebrows = glabella
The day after tomorrow = overmorrow
The cardboard sleeve around your takeaway coffee cup = zarf
The wire cage around a champagne cork = agraffe

So viewed through that lens, the unifying pattern of Trump, Elon, and Kanye is that at their core, they’re putting on a show. A massive, unlimited duration, infinitely varying, endlessly fascinating show — the greatest shows on earth. And that show attracts attention, yes, but also votes, feet in the street, shareholder investment, car sales, music sales, sneaker sales, etc.

Last year he launched the Vesuvius Challenge, offering $1 million in prizes to people who could develop AI software capable of reading four passages from a single scroll. “Maybe there was obvious stuff no one had tried,” he recalls thinking. “My life has validated this notion again and again.”
-Nat Friedman

Remember that everything in life is temporary.
Nobody actually gives a F*ck about you like that. They have their own lives.
Keep in mind that you’re 1 out of 8 billion people.
Don’t take criticism from someone you wouldn’t take advice from.

one can argue that currencies themselves are intrinsically platforms, and that coexisting multiple currencies should be analyzed as platform competition.

Thailand, #3 on that list, was the country first to gastrodiplomacy in 2002. This campaign for Thailand meant making it easy to open Thai restaurants – providing templates, sourcing ingredients, and helping chefs get visas. And it worked! From the start of the campaign to today, Thai restaurants globally tripled, from 5k to over 15k, also yielding a substantial increase in foreign tourists throughout the period

Meow states that “the most clear indication of a real culture is a self-referentialism, where basically the participants will not stop talking about themselves.”

2. Communities spend (a lot) of time together.
3. Time together spawns a common story.
4. Common stories & shared ideals create culture

That said, when a token goes straight down, you can’t call this a screaming success. There is a good reason why IPOs generally go up. And there is a good reason for why BNB, ETH, and BTC are 3 of the most successful protocols today. When you price an asset low, and let early investors participate in the financial upside of your success, it tends to have long-lasting positive effects. Your users become power users and evangelists. But when something prices high and goes straight down, you alienate those who were true believers. And it’s hard to come back from that

Bezos formalized the principle into the company’s mission two years later when he wrote that Amazon was on a quest to build “Earth’s most customer-centric company.”

There is a Scandinavian saying which some of us might well take as a rallying cry for our lives: The north wind made the Vikings! Wherever did we get the idea that secure and pleasant living, the absence of difficulty, and the comfort of ease, ever of themselves made people either good or happy?

“Action seems to follow feeling, but really action and feeling go together; and by regulating the action, which is under the more direct control of the will, we can indirectly regulate the feeling, which is not.”
— William James

The beatings will continue until morale improves

Similarly, Egyptian and Sumerian script developed at very close to the same time, and while visually quite distinct, they share many of the same influences. One of these cultures invented writing while the other just lifted the idea, probably after seeing what a super useful invention it was.

Embrace Rejection or Don’t Try: It’s important to tune your reaction to rejection: “If you’re going to spin out after each rejection, you’re going to be exhausted a lot of the time.” – Tim
“Life punishes a vague wish and rewards a specific ask.” – Tim Ferriss

Prior editions:

Podcast notes – Overpriced JPEGs – guest Tim Ferriss: “Assume there’s always a market for quality in any medium — and just get fucking great”

Guest: Tim Ferriss
Host: Carly Reilly (w/ Bankless)

“The way you do anything is how you do everything”

Experimented with NFTs for last 2 years

Describes himself as writer or podcaster to unfamiliar people

Very competitive person – wants to suffer a little

Cockpunch – origin story
-Started w/ desire to be less precious about creative projects, looking for joy and fun and laughter
Likes playing with new technology sandboxes
-Was drawing characters with gauntlets – the name Cockpunch popped into his mind
-Lets him play with 3d modeling, rigging, voice acting, music – lets him acquire skills that can be transferred to other places – vehicle for learning

AI art competition
-entrants had to show their work
-based on Cockpunch characters
-teaching himself – and then teach others

Chose fiction to let himself focus less on metrics, a “quantitative prison”

“Most people who want feedback…want positive reinforcement”

In any new space, tries to find someone with 10K foot view across many projects to get advice

Lots of folks get lost in weeds with NFTs / web3

Decided on 5555 mints – wanted to make sure it sells out

“There are a lot of whiny bitches in web3”

Likes advice of Scott Adams (Dilbert creator)
Thinks in terms of 6 month projects and 2 week experiments
Snowball of relationships and skills from project to project

Created term “Emergent Long Fiction”
Fiction lets him learn from new people
Set a few conditions upfront – a few characters, realms, drivers
There’s competitive games
But where it goes from here – he doesn’t necessarily know (hence “emergent”)

Set constraints and explore how creative you can be

Most people don’t know what they want

Hard to get clear signal when you ask a large audience what they want

Bullish on tokenized assets and digital scarcity

Been thru many cycles of tech
Always some new tool / platform that people say you have to use (eg, Vine)
“Assume there’s always a market for quality in any medium — and just get fucking great

Web3 isn’t going away
But NFTs – he doesn’t know – it’s one of the meanest most aggressive communities

In this bear market, he’s down 70% net worth – but it doesn’t entitle him to behave like an asshole

Public perception of NFTs (in his audience) has soured tremendously – like a dirty word
But he likes to cull his audience from time to time if they don’t have patience or understanding

Cockpunch as an unlock has exceeded all his expectations – relationships, what he’s learning

Fiction doesn’t always mean a novel – it means story telling
Didn’t plan to do a Discord – it self-organized
In Discord – use your Cockpunch NFTs, with attributes – uses ChatGPT to write a match summary (blow by blow) of a cock fight
Others added music, voice commentary

// stopped taking notes after ~1 hour

Podcast notes – Jane McGonigal on future of games and gameplay – Tim Ferriss podcast

Guest: Jane McGonigal
Host: Tim Ferriss

Did large scale (100s to 1000s of participants) social simulation in 2010 that predicted a lot of covid pandemic problems (eg, women stopping work to take care of kids; people violating quarantine restrictions for religious gatherings)

Many of these players were then faster to prepare and adapt to the pandemic – “pre-recognition”

Another simulated scenario was severe disruptions to power supply

5 minutes of vivid imagination (worst case scenario planning) is enough to help you prepare in case

Next pandemic fear is tick-borne
Alpha-gal (sp?) syndrome
Tim’s mom has it, Tim also had Lyme disease twice
Causes allergic reactions to meat and gelatin products – even airborne meat like outdoor bbq can cause adverse fx
Reducing meat in diets can be preventative
There’s infected ticks in public parks, on public beaches – and spreading
Climate change is big driver, as well as closer co-habitation (btw humans and animals)
Caused an epi-pen shortage due to this outbreak

Number one most under-rated threat: Global Youth Disillusionment
Youth rejecting global capitalist trends
16-25yo – majority across 10 countries believe humanity is doomed, future is hopeless
Main reason – “Confusion about government failure to act on climate change”
“Lie flat” movement – Chinese 躺平 – just opt out of modern life

Recently learned about MMT (modern monetary theory)
Makes UBI (universal basic income) more possible
She wants people to work less, care more for their families and communities
Why not a 3-day workweek?
Successful pilots of 20-hour workweeks
Tim: very productive professional writers max out around 4 hours / day (= 20 hours / week)

“Food is medicine movement”
US gov funding allowing at-risk / lower income to buy unlimited healthy foods

Government will create their own cryptocurrencies to replace decentralized ones via bribes / regulation

Play 2 earn – games will create revenue sharing systems w players

AI tech can blend faces – eg, blend friend’s face + your mother’s – to further persuade you in ads or fake media
Trust goes up when faces are familiar
“Trust warfare”
Audio fakes may lag because the datasets aren’t as big as photo / video (tho podcasters are definitely at risk)

Tim: “Ready Player One probably closer than a lot of people think”

Porn / VR sex
Porn at vanguard of new tech
Younger generations having less sex
Rise in neural implants – first wave of adoption is depression / mania – but second wave could be simulated / virtual sex
Neuro-stimulation wouldn’t require imagery – could be better / safer
In porn, violence is being normalized – slapping + choking – which turns off young women

Oscar Wilde: “Everything in the world is about sex except sex. Sex is about power”

Visit UrgentOptimists.org – will have a “future of sex” workshop
What is urgent optimism? Things I can do TODAY to improve our future
Gamers have a well developed reward circuitry system – “I got this”, can-do attitude
Every game is a psychological experiment to convince people they have power

Simple habit – whatever problem you’re worried about, just search Google for that problem + the word “solution” (climate solution, pandemic solutions, etc)

Future Fridays
Once a week, do a search for “future of [X]” eg, lab cultured meat
Gives you hope for future, signals for future

She learned how to operate a drone – very empowering experience

stopped ~3/5 of the way

Podcast notes – Hugh Jackman on Tim Ferriss show

Guest Hugh Jackman (Wolverine)
Host Tim Ferriss

Reads a book every morning with his wife Deb
books by Esther Perel, Seth Godin, David Brooks (Second Mountain)
makes a cup of coffee, takes cold shower, then reads and meditates together
read out loud to each other

Gifts these two books often:
EB White’s Here is New York
David Foster Wallace’s This Is Water
prefers gifting short books

Learned meditation at drama school
Does transcendental meditation – has a mantra to occupy the monkey mind
Like cloudy water that settles and then see crystal clear
Started at 23, did it very regularly twice a day

Natural energy that comes from being on stage
Tells his kids to find that joy in their lives
On Broadway, he has almost religious routines and rules – no alcohol, doesn’t go out after shows, can sleep 45 minutes after getting off stage
Says a small mantra, moment of silence, before he goes on stage

Has listened to Tim’s podcast for years, also Sam Harris
Got nervous before being a guest

Tim: Hugh is polite to everyone he meets

Mom left when he was 8, primarily raised by his dad
Dad said “your religion should be in your actions”
also “You cannot over invest in education”
always keep your word, very big on ethics
rarely gave Hugh advice, encourage him to make his own decisions

His wife acts purely from instinct / heart

Originally studied to be a journalist / communications
Was on debate team in school
Brother is successful barrister
Lots of debates at home – brother was Rhodes Scholar

Did a play in his last semester – got lead role
Spent 90% of his time doing it, and loved it
Surrounded by theater people, realized that was where he was meant to be
Went to study acting after that

Watched all of Ken Burns stuff during quarantine

If you start a business, you have to give it 7 days a week for 5 years
Being a professional actor is the same way
“Never wait for the phone to ring”
“get your brand out there and get going”
Started a theater company
Be wary of the word “career” – don’t take things for granted

Did Beauty & The Beast
Got weekly singing lessons
Was labelled as a singer, not an actor
Kept getting musicals offers – wasn’t getting film auditions
But kept working, learning, listen to his gut

Some calling beyond conscious brain, something elemental and instinctual, something you can find and hone
Working with life coach for 4 years – what are you here for? what do you really want to do?
Especially when you’re married / have kids – first priority is what’s best for your family

Universe gives you signs – accepted into acting school, cost $3.5K, didn’t have the money and didn’t want to ask dad, and then his grandmother passed and he got an inheritance of $3.5K

Tim: the most important personal examples of listening to intuition were when they didn’t make sense

Wife is into manifestation, he’s new to it
Greatest Showman – on fence about project; life coach told him he needed to commit one way or another; did visualization of how it could turn out, and went all-in – became a huge success
“Don’t insure yourself against failure”

His most efficient / best exercise is the rowing machine
If you wanna get lean, row
Add in chest / pushups
That’s all you need to stay healthy and strong
Fighting is dance, not body building – there’s more relaxation than strength
if you told athletes to run at 85% max, they’ll often run faster than 100% – because they’re more relaxed

Before he does an activity, he imagines the feeling / outcome when it’s done – helps prepare him because he often suffers from insecurity / lack of confidence

Carl Lewis – at 50 meter mark, his form was exactly the same – whereas the other sprinters started to tighten, exert and push more

Loves puzzles and games
Wentworth 1000 piece puzzle is a good starter
Another form of meditation
Can stay up late into night doing them

Podcast notes – Neil Gaiman (Sandman, American Gods, Graveyard Book) and Tim Ferriss

Guest: Neil Gaiman
Wrote American Gods, Neverwhere, Sandman, Graveyard Book
Won Hugo and Nebula and many more
Narrates many of his own books
Currently showrunner for Good Omens, a BBC show
Professor @ Bard College

Tim’s chased this interview for a decade

Neil – at 15yo, started a magazine as a way to meet his favorite writers
Interviewed Roger Dean, designer and artist, famous for album covers – but the recorded audio messed up, so he’s always carried spares now

Ian Fleming didn’t enjoy process of writing James Bond books
So he would check into a strange hotel in a strange place for 2 weeks, nothing else to do except write
Ian also gave Roald Dahl some of his best story twists
Neil sometimes does this hotel thing – wrote in a Marriott in World Trade Center, just wanted to finish and get out

Biggest rule he tells himself – you can sit there and you’re allowed to do absolutely nothing, but if you do something, you must write

Has a 3yo son – more fun to play with him than write

Often does first draft in fountain pen – likes to fill the ink, likes the heft, can see progress more clearly
“Emphasizes that no one’s meant to read your first draft”
First draft is you telling story to yourself
Second draft is typing into a computer – making it look like he knew what he was doing all along

Computer expands a story like gas – the stories tend to get longer, but there isn’t a lot more story there (than writing by hand)
Doesn’t want his story to become gaseous and thin

Likes Leuchtturm1917 notebooks for writing

Has a house in Wisconsin

Anything you do can be fixed – but you can’t fix a blank page

What fountain pens he recs
-Go to NY fountain pen hospital – try them out
-Likes Lamy pens
-Signed ~1.5M signatures with a Pilot 823

Most of his early career, he wrote with an electric typewriter
After 10 years, he wanted antiquated rhythms while writing Stardust, so he decided to try hand writing / dip pens. You need to slow up, think ahead, write complete sentences

How to remove performance anxiety / pressure
Neil likes writing things no one’s waiting for
Wrote Coraline after American Gods – no one was expecting a children’s book – editors told him it was unpublishable
Wrote 5 or 6 lines a night, right before bed

Used to write multiple projects at once – if he got stuck on one, would rotate to another – but feels like he’s not as good at doing that anymore, takes too long to switch between projects

When he started (22-27ish), was a late night writer – nothing happened until kids in bed, 9pm until 2am, smoked, drank coffee
Later switched from coffee to tea, and began to fall asleep earlier
Writing novels works best when you can have the same day over and over again – like Groundhog Day
His example routine while staying at a friend’s lake house – wake up, go for a jog, go to a cafe, cup of green tea, sit in a corner and just start writing – and after a few months, had “Ocean at the end of the lane”

Tim’s favorite fiction audiobook is Graveyard Book
Where did that book come from?
25yo (1984 or so), living in Sussex, an old tall house his dad owned, had a 3yo son who loved his tricycle, they’d go across road to a churchyard
Saw how happy his son was riding his trike in that graveyard
Kinda like Jungle Book – kid in the graveyard being raised by dead people
It didn’t quite work – there was a demon, the character was very like his son – felt like the story was too good but his writing wasn’t there yet
He put it off for a decade, but knew it had legs
Over years, just let the story accumulate
After finishing Anansi Boys, decided to tackle it again
This time he didn’t start writing from beginning, but from the middle instead – Headstone (Ch4) – read it to his daughter Maddy, who wanted to know what happens next, so he kept writing, and eventually got it
“there was a hand in the darkness, and it held a knife”

Friendship w/ Terry Pratchett
English writer who died in 2015, humorist and satirist, Discworld series, bestselling UK novelist
Met at an Italian restaurant, was a young journalist, Terry was a press officer at the time, “had same kind of mind”
Terry would send his drafts, get feedback on what’s funnier
Neil sent a draft to Terry of a project (Good Omens), Terry wanted to buy it or write it together, was wonderful apprenticeship for Neil
Finally turned into a TV show – Neil is showrunner, making the show was one of Terry’s last wishes
Cast Jon Hamm, David Tennant, Michael Sheen, etc
“giant interwoven panoply of mixed emotions”

What did he learn from Terry?
Willingness to go forward w/o knowing what happens next
George RR Martin divides writers into architects and gardeners – Neil would rather be a gardener, allow for accidents and surprises
Wanted to make Terry laugh
Terry had a form of Alzheimers, made documentaries about Alzheimers, supported assisted suicide / right to die